Saturday, December 19, 2009

Smarter Than I Am...!

Sometimes I get the feelings that my cats are a lot smarter than I am...

I mean, they get free room and board, get to choose which foods they will eat or not eat, sleep pretty much when and where they want, and decide for themselves whether or not to ignore us or pay attention!

Don't ever think that cats and dogs don't understand exactly what we say...they do! It doesn't even make a difference if we speak in Spanish, English, or probably Chinese!

Here is an example of a dog that understands "southern" real well...pretty damn smart!

Now, if i could teach my cats to do that...I'd make a fortune and retire again! But you and I both know that ain't happening any time soon, right?

Let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a bit...before the crowd shows up! Don't want you subjected to the MADNESS!


The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Tha´s awell trained and smart dog! I wonder if I could learn any of mine doing that :-)

-6F here today and last night the electricity went out. It wasn´t to nice to get out of the warm bed then :-) :-)
Have a great day now!

Momlady said...

Sometimes I believe dogs are easier to train than children. When mine were young I used single word commands. When asked by someone why one day I simply replied, "They quit listening after the first word."
The sun is shining this morning and looks to be a beautiful day. albeit a bit on the chilly side.
Thanks for the coffee. Have a beautiful day.

JoJo said...

Good Morning My Special One, Now that is a smart dog and beautiful too. Momlady is so right about the kids not listening after the first work. lol
You have a great day today and know I will be right by your side to help you through the day :-)
Lets sit and take some deep breaths and have a nice cup of coffee

HermitJim said...

Hey Christer...
man, that is cold!I wouldn't want to get out of bed either...

Maybe you shoul let the dogs sleep with you...that would help keep the bed warm!

Hey, thanks for coming by thi morning!

Hey Momlady...
I'm glad you hve a good day to look foprward to!

I think you're right about dogs being easier to train than children! Wonder why that is?

I do appreciate you coming by today!

HermitJim said...

Hey JoJo...
That sounds like a very good plan to me! I need all the help I can get!

Thanks, sweetie, for coming over!

Bob from Athens said...

Let the dogs sleep with me, ya right, I'm lucky of they don't push me out and keep the bed for themselves. Counting the dogs in the bed is one way of telling how cold it is, a one dog night is pretty mild, a four dog night is getting pretty cold.

HermitJim said...

Hey Bob...
I know what you mean about them running you out of the bed! Just my two cats can generate enough body heat to make it see like summer...and I have never figured out how a 3 pound cat can weigh 10 pounds when they lay on top of your legs!

Hey, I sure appreciate you oming by today!

Angelena said...

That video was AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing. By the way- We got over 2 feet of snow today- and it is still snowing. I posted some pics on my blog of all the pretty snow (well it was pretty until it got waist deep and I had to wade into it while outside) lol

HermitJim said...

Hey Angelena...
Man, that is too much snow for me! I think I'll stay with the rain and the 65 degree weather for a while!

Looks like it could be fun, if you didn't hve to work in it!

hey, thanks for coming by today!