Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Death By Carrot Juice...!

Of all the stories I've posted on here about strange and unusual deaths, this has to be one of the strangest.

Carrot Juice Addiction

Easily having the most prolonged cause of death on this list, Basil Brown was an English health food enthusiast who proudly touted the health benefits of carrots. Said to have “a low opinion of doctors,” Brown ignored their warnings about his habits, which included drinking up to 3.8 liters (1 gal) of carrot juice per day. All of this drinking eventually led to him becoming addicted to carrot juice, as well as a severe case of jaundice.

In 1974, over the course of ten days leading up to his death, Brown consumed, in juice and pill form, 10,000 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. Already warned by doctors about the danger presented by his enlarged liver, this massive dose prompted the organ to shut down, and Brown died.

I think the key word here is moderation. I have always been told that it's best to be moderate in all things, and I reckon that is probably good advice.

Coffee outside for a change this morning. No carrot juice, I'm afraid.


linda m said...

I was brought up on "all things in moderation". I can't imagine downing that much carrot. Sunny here today also. Loving the sunshine.

Momlady said...

I like carrots, but.....
Just goes to show that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

HermitJim said...

Hey Linda...
I agree. That is how I was taught as well.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Momlady...
I do like carrots, but just not that well.
Thanks for coming by this morning!

Rob said...

Moderation is the key to so many things! Good story...

JO said...

Well he proved that carrots can kill when if you wanted to follow his method. I like carrots but yes like other here in moderation.

Monsoons hit yesterday in my area finally had some good down pours. See you on the patio

Gorges Smythe said...

He might as well have gorges on polar bear liver.

HermitJim said...

Hey Rob...
I couldn't agree more, sir.
Thanks for the visit this morning!

Hey Jo...
Yeah, too much of anything is unhealthy, I think.
Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!

Hey Gorges...
Couldn't have hurt him any worse, I reckon.
Thanks for stopping by this morning!

Mamahen said...

Sorry I'm late! Love carrots but yeah...enough is enough. lol

HermitJim said...

Hey Mamahen...
I think that most of us feel the same way...enough is enough.
Thanks for coming over today!

Anonymous said...

It’s impossible to overdose on carrot juice. They contain beta carotene not the activated form of vitamin A. They leave out the part that he took 70 MILLION u it’s of vitamin a supplements in 10 days. That’s what killed him. Not the carrots.