Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday again...

Not sure what happened to yesterday...seems to somehow gotten away from me! That happens more than I care to think about lately. Must be the weather...cause I KNOW it isn't due to my memory getting up in years, right? Right!

Now that the weather is pretty again, I guess that I should get on with the decorating on my Mom's house. It seems to me that the first weekend in Dec. should be soon enough, though. I'm not much on decorating up the house and yard. It has a tendency to turn into a contest with everyone on the street, ya know?

It's around the holidays that both my sisters really shine in the decorating department. Guess they got it from Mom...All of the women in my immediate family can work wonders in making a room more festive and more holiday-ish! Glad someone can do those things cause I certainly can't get into it...Must be a hermit thing!

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