Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday and Saturday Special...

Since I missed Friday (again!) I decided to combine both days into one blog. My days seem to run together more and more anyway, so the idea isn't that far-fetched!

Big doings today at Mom's house...a family get-together. We have a gathering of this sort every holiday, but this year there won't be as many of us. Seems that every year there are fewer and fewer, if you know what I mean. Grand kids growing up and doing their own thing, people living out of state, that sort of thing. The main thing is that most of us get together and help Mom enjoy the season as much as we are able.

I'll be glad when everybody has come and gone...I love seeing them, but the peace and quiet that follows everybody leaving is wonderful.

I'll make some fresh coffee, go sit in the 80 degree sun on the patio, and look forward to the cooler weather that is supposed to come in tonight. Might get into the 30's tonight...which calls for hot coffee for sure!

Back tomorrow, Lord willing!

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