Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wet Wednesday...

From the 80's yesterday to wet and in the 50's right now...wednesday night. You just never know here on the coast. At least I'm not shoveling snow like Blondie in Colorado! Hang in there , Blondie!

Strange feeling in the air here in the big city...hard to explain. Almost a feeling that something is about to happen, ya know? Hope it's something good.

Going to V.A. tomorrow to make my monthly appearence for test to see if the blood thinner is working ok...and that brings up a question. When we started the blood thinner a couple of years ago, the doctors said I had to give up aspirin and booze cause they made my blood too thin! Now, I'm thinking.... if that's the case, why not give up the blood thinner and stay with the booze and aspirin? Just a thought...would certainly be cheaper, ya know?

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