Saturday, January 19, 2008

Barely still Saturday...

I don't know why I wait so long to post...bound to be a reason. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I pigged out on fresh yeast rolls, and on homemade pudding cake, and of course fresh coffee? All that culinary exercise naturally called for a short nap...and that in turn threw me behind in my wanderings across the Net! (Well, it sounded like a good excuse to me!)

Still cold today (about 40) and a little windy. Supposed to warm up to about 54 or so tomorrow and that would be OK with me. I'm not real fond of the cold. Getting old, I guess.

I'm cutting it short today so that I can finish my web stuff and then, finish my nap. Gotta go rest up before I go to bed...just in case I have some good dreams, ya know? See ya on the flip side!

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