Monday, January 21, 2008

Blue Monday...??

I know it's Monday and that it's blue Monday and that it's fairly early...but I had a quick couple of notes that I wanted to pass on while they were still fresh in my mind! Sometimes things get lost in there and I can't find them for a long time...

I finally figured out why I like having a's because having a blog is like talking to yourself electronically and no one thinks it's strange. Doesn't seem too long ago that if we saw someone walking down the street talking to themselves, we would cross over to the other side to avoid them! Now days, when we see someone talking to themselves, we take it for granted that they are on a cell phone with someone, or talking into a pocket recorder making memos for the office.

Strange behavior is more readily accepted than it used to be...which explains why people like me can talk to themselves electronically and appear normal! Sort of scary, huh? Deep thoughts from a shallow mind...

I don't worry about much...after all, Hermits have no peer pressure!


  1. Nice post Hermit,
    Had to laugh since I talk to myself all the time. At home, at the grocery store, while driving. And you're right, not too many people pay much attention any more. And that's a good thing, right? haha
    Also not sure about "Blue Monday". But I did notice some strange things around me so .. could have been a result of that eh?
    Enjoying a coffee myself.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Blondie! Always glad to hear from a fellow coffee drinker...and from someone else that talks to their self. I guess as long as we don't answer, then we are OK...right?

  3. What's the point of talking to yourself if you don't answer??
    I always answer!
    I don't always remember what the answer was ... but I DO answer :)
