Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good news from the government...

According to the tax form that I received from the government yesterday, I am pretty well off! I am currently living at an income level just above the 2007 poverty guidelines established by the U.S. Census people that determine that sort of thing! I don't know whether to celebrate the fact that I'm above the line...or to feel really sad that I am above the current poverty line by so little! Thank goodness I am not trying to raise a family in this current economic disaster...where the accepted value of a U.S. dollar is 4 cents!

However, I count myself lucky because I have a roof over my head, food on my table, and clothes to wear! Most of all, I have my health...or at least I'm healthier than some folks! It's sad to think that in a country that used to be so rich, we currently can boast that statistics show that 1 in 4 Americans cannot afford health care and therefore are NOT covered by some type of health plan

That's a lot to think about over my morning coffee...maybe I had better fortify it some! Back with more later!

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