Monday, January 14, 2008

Let's talk Money...!

Following the lead of a couple of the bloggers I read daily, I recently joined 2 programs that are non-surfing type of programs...and I am completely happy with both of them. If you haven't looked at 10dollarswonder and e2epay may I suggest that you do? Can't hurt to look, right?

I used to be one of the many devoted to pay-to-surf sites. I mean I spent a lot of money and time trying to find the one program that I could count on to help me make some extra money. One by one all of the programs eventually faded away.... with the exception of one or two. But I had already withdrawn my money from those before I lost with them also. Just got jumpy, ya know?

So far I have no such concerns with these 2 programs. Both seem to be very steady and I enjoy all of the activity that they generate. Nice to finally see some profit for a change!

If this keeps up, I may get a new coffeemaker sooner than expected...want a refill?

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