Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday and Spring...

Spring is what it feels like today....don't know what happened to our winter weather. It started off raining and then starting getting warm. Here it is 10:00 pm and it's 62 outside. Like I said, Springtime!

Each day I say that I'm going to post earlier...but something always seems to get in the way. Today it was a bad case of early Spring fever! I almost wanted to go fishing! But I didn't give in...and that's a good thing. Can't give in all the time...right? At least that's what I'm told!

Anyway, I'm gonna put on some coffee and finish reading a new book I got. Never read this author before so I don't really know what to expect. His name is Christopher Moore and has written 7 novels, the first when he was in his early 30' we will see what he has to offer!

Have a pleasant evening...I'll see you tomorrow, ok?

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