Monday, February 11, 2008

A Lucky Childhood Indeed...

One of the best things, or maybe I should say the three best things, about my childhood was the fact that I had three sisters. Count them, three! I was the oldest child and the only boy! Now you might think that would make for a difficult childhood, but actually it worked out pretty good.

You see, with a total of four kids we always had enough people to make up two equal teams for whatever we wanted to do...from china-berry fights, to tag, to hide and seek, dodge ball, cowboys (or cowgirls) and indians, and all the other games that kids can come up with. It's not hard when you have four very active minds working together.

Now it wasn't always play time, we all had our chores to do since both my parents worked. We helped with the housework like cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the floor, making the beds and general straightening up. And we sometimes started some of the easy parts of supper, like the cornbread.

The reason I'm saying all this is just to recount how lucky we were growing up. My sisters and I learned how to interact with other people, learned co-operation and team work, and learned that play is as important as work, maybe more so! So no matter how great a task you have, no matter how pressing the work assignment, just remember to take some time to play a little!
But just make sure your chores are done first...ok?ok!!!

Now, who wants to join me in some fresh coffee?


  1. you make me glad to be one of those sisters - thanks for being my big brother! Love you!

  2. It is truly my blessing to have you as a sister! Thanks for the comment! Glad to see you here...
