Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Early Early In The Morning...

I should be in bed, but I just got to hankerin' for some old foot tapping music, ya know? The kind that takes you back and reminds you of all kinds of things and all kinds of people! Songs that can be happy and sad at the same time....reminding me of when I was younger and that I'm getting older all at the same time. So here I sit, at 3:00 a.m. searching for the right kind of song done by the right kind of singer(s) and all of the sudden...there it was!

I know that some of you will remember the song and some may even remember the things the song is about! To me, the song is a celebration of life and a reminder that memories can keep us young at heart and make us all a little richer in character, in spite of it all! Enjoy...!

I'm going to bed! Back later with an update...ok? ok!

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