Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day...!!

I hope that everyone is enjoying the holiday, Irish or not. My feeling is that many of us need very little excuse to party....and that's ok. A good party never hurt anyone as long as good judgement is maintained.

I want to give a quick plug to a couple of programs that are consistant in their operation and in their payment. The names of these outstanding programs (or games, if you wish) are AdProsperity and 10DollarsWonder. These guys are most solid in my small portfolio. I can honestly say that I am very pleased with these programs and wish that we had more like this, but we don't.

That's all the business I am going to do today, but in keeping with the holiday I want to leave you with a couple of Irish flavored items...

Irish Coffee
1/4 cup hot, strong, black coffee
1-2 tsp sugar
1 large measure Irish whiskey
1-2 tbsp double cream

Fill a stemmed whiskey glass with hot water then throw out, refilling it with boiling water. Throw this out, fill the glass somewhat more than half full with coffee and add sugar to taste. Stir to dissolve, then add the whiskey. Pour the cream over the back of a spoon to float on top.
Drink the hot liquid through the cool cream. If double cream is not available use lightly-whipped single (whipping) cream.
Now, if you'll excuse me...I am going to have some fresh coffee (Irish, of course!) and a fresh peanut butter cookie! Enjoy the video...

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