Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday Special...

Got the blahs today...think this past week finally caught up to me. Big Sis is back home in North Carolina now (had a good visit!)...Little Sis is settled in back at home on the other side of big "H"...and all the nieces, grand nieces and such are not showing up for daily visits. Nice when company comes, but sure gets quiet when the little ones are gone.

Amy the Cat is finally starting to realise that she can enter a room without having to look around and make sure sure that she won't be chased by some little person just trying to pick her up. She's enjoying her naps again and now feels like once more she is Queen of the Domain....

So now the Hermit can go back to being a Hermit...having done the non-hermit thing for a few days. Gotta catch up on my surfing and money making...and start touching base with my net buddies once more!

Now tomorrow is Sunday and the start of a busy week! So eat your Wheaties, drink your juice of choice, get the coffee pot and diet coke ready, and be prepared! I'm sure that by now you have at least looked at some of the programs I told you about, right? If not, then the question is "Why Not?" Look, if you are serious about getting started making money on the net, you have to at least take the first step...These programs work and I belong to them myself. I would never suggest you look at any program that I don't support 100% . I'm going to post a short list of sites for you to look at...not many, but a good place to start!

See? That's not a long list, and certainly not all the programs I belong to...but the main thing is to get you started. So go look at any of these programs you are not familiar with and read their terms and F.A.Q's, become familiar with the payment process and requirements, and if you are comfortable with all that then join in the fun. Most will require a payment processor if you want to upgrade or want to get paid, so if you aren't a member of a payment processor take a look at one or two of these. This group is also short but most all of the programs listed above will take one or more of those listed.

Well, that's all I can think of for now...just a word of caution here! Never join ANY program just because someone, including me, tells you to or because the testimonials on the site say "It's Great!"...Always do your own study, read the forums, contact some of the members if you can, and finally, and probably most important...follow your instincts! Treat all these programs as a game, never use money you can't afford to lose (just in case!) and try and have fun!

Well, it's back to the coffee pot for me...and then give myself a little playtime! Why don't ya join me? And it goes without saying, if you have any questions about any of this...feel free to contact me. OK? OK...

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