Saturday, March 1, 2008

This Is A Good Thing...!

Being a bachelor has it's good points as does entertaining on the cheap! What started out to be a little get-together for me and my sisters at Mom's house has all of the sudden turned into a full blown party, complete with grand kids and grand nieces, "B"'s old friends that haven't seen her for awhile, some of Mom's friends(that means enough for cards!) and on and on...

I knew it would always does and always has. Ever since I was a little kid, my parents house has always been the unofficial gathering place for nearly anyone that needed friendship, or family, or just a place top go to get away from an unfriendly world for awhile. We never had grass in our front yard growing up cause of all the kids playing chase or ball or tag or whatever...our house always had a group of young ones playing, sitting in the yard talking, standing by the cars watching the young ladies walk by...that sort of thing. Every neighborhood has a house like this, or at least did in the simpler times when I was a kid.

Anyway, I'm making my special egg salad and maybe some spam salad for sandwiches...just cause those are two sandwich fillings that can fill a lot of people when you serve up a side of chips, maybe some stuffed jalapeno peppers, and homemade chili always standing by...

Quiet time won't come early tonight! But when it does, my Sisters and I can sit and talk for awhile. With some fresh coffee, of course!

More later...

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