Monday, April 28, 2008

Common Sense Can Be Your Friend...

If there's one thing that I've learned while searching for genuine, honest work-at-home programs it's that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! When doing your own search for opportunities that work and are reliable, just use your "Secret Weapon"...common sense!

Look, I can only give you my opinions. I'm not rich and I have been burned by many programs just like you. I am only trying to warn you about moving on a program or opportunity without doing your homework. If you are fairly new to working on the Internet, may I suggest that you get one of the most important tools that you will ever use in finding good opportunities...a mentor.

By that I don't mean that you have to pay someone to be your mentor...just find someone with more experience and more savvy about various programs, hosting companies, points of origin, scripts and most importantly, the admins running the programs. Read the blogs and newsletters, visit different forums, ask questions if you have them. Don't rush, just take your time. One of the favorite marketing ploys ever used is the old "Only good if you join in the 24 hours" or "Today is the last time you'll ever see this offer!", that sort of thing.

I've said this before, but it is still as true now as it has always been. In the end, the final responsibility and choice fall on your head! Be as smart as you possibly be. Use the tools that can best serve you...a mentor, good research and most importantly, your own Common Sense!

But hey...that's just my opinion for what it's worth. Now, let's go get some coffee, OK? OK.

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