Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday Update...

I really doubt if anyone is up and reading this at this time of the morning...but I thought I would get an early start on the day. Here are some updates on the programs that most of us are using everyday. Good programs my opinion.

10DollarsWonder...just keeps on paying and paying. I am constantly pleased with it and will buy more shares today.

All-Teamed-Up and TotalTeamProfits...these two programs are steadily building and seem to be gathering momentum. Could be profitable in the long run.

PrivateMillionaire...slowed down a bit but I still get a little action from it. The secret is to keep the ads flowing.

TrafficEra...a really great place to advertise and to spend some time chatting with your friends at the same time with the Team Talk feature.

That's all I am going to push this morning...after all it's Saturday and I don't want you to miss the cartoons! As for me...I'm going to have some more coffee and watch the sun come up!

I will leave this little bit of music just to get you started...


  1. I'm up.
    I'm reading.
    I'm having coffee :)
    Also watched the sun rise.
    Pretty, isn't it?

    Will see your song/movie now. Takes me awhile to load it, ya know?


  2. What a perfect song!
    I love that song :)
    How did you know it was just what I needed to hear this morning?

    Cheers Jim !!!

  3. Morning Blondie...saw your first comment this morning...but before I could comment, you made a comment on your own comment, leaving me to comment on the second comment, which was really part of the first comment!Glad you liked the song! Must have been a mental message cause I was looking at youtube and this song just came to mind! Thanks for dropping by and for the comment(s)!! Or something...

