Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today's Special...Potato Chip Cookies

Sounds pretty good, huh? I mean, if you like potato chips and you like cookies...why not take care of both at once? These cookies are both light and tasty, great with milk or coffee, and really easy to make. You're gonna like this cookie, trust me...!

1 lb. margarine
1 c. sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
1 3/4 c. crushed potato chips
3 1/2 c. flour

Mix margarine and sugar; add vanilla, flour, and potato chips. Drop by teaspoonful on ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes.

These cookies are a lot like sand tarts, but lighter and better. I use 4 1/2 ounces of chips and this measures to 2 cups.

Now that the cookies are done...let's go have some fresh coffee, OK?


  1. Bubba -

    You must have been into the old family cookbooks! I remember the last 3, so I'll have to see if I can come up with some of mine for you. Do you have Daddy's Tamale Pie casserole? No tamales, but lots of other stuff - makes a huge amount. He heard it on the radio, wrote it down as he was driving, so probably did not get it just like the original, but made it his own. That's most often the best anyway, isn't it?

  2. Hey Sis...thanks for dropping by and for the comment! I think I have that recipe...I'll have to look and see. I would love to have you send me some of your recipes, especially the unusual ones, ya know? See ya
