Friday, May 9, 2008

Can You Hear A Smile...?

Can you hear a smile? I think so! Can you feel a grin? Again, I think we can! It's my belief that true emotions can be felt, even from long distances.

A hug can be felt in all it's warmth and comfort, even if from reading words from a written page or in the words spoken on the phone. The emotional connection is still there between friends, lovers, and everyone else that we are somehow closely tied to.

However, this same connection can also be said to exist between enemies! Yet if we share an emotional tie with someone, anyone, can they truly be an enemy? I think not. I believe that rather they are acquaintances with whom we strongly disagree.

If we keep positive emotions and project them in all things, positive things begin to happen. Arguments become discussions. We begin to feel the emotion and intent instead of just hearing the words. By the very act of truly listening, we can begin to finally understand one another. We start to hear what is meant, not just what is said.

The same is true of negative emotions. When we become negative and project this negativity, negative things begin to happen. Outwardly we hear one thing, while inwardly we interpret it as something far removed from the original intent. We begin to hear what we want to, and not what we should. We start to manipulate everything in a negative fashion.

Striving to maintain a positive flow is not easy. Preventing a negative flow is difficult as well. The secret is in trying to maintain a balance of the two, a harmony if you will. The more balanced we can become, the more balanced things around us will become.

Take a look at the Universe all around us. It maintains a balance that we should try and emulate. In fact, the more we can become in balance, the more attuned we become to all the Universe and all the Forces flowing around us. We can, in fact, become One!

Come on...let's get some coffee!


  1. Bubba -

    Very well said this am. Your prose is flowing, well balanced and thought-provoking. What more could anyone ask? Fresh coffee? You bet, with a side of chocolate or caramel, please!

    See you tomorrow -

    Baby Sis

  2. Thanks for the comments, Sis...and thanks for the visit!

    Chocolate? I got chocolate!! Gotta have my chocolate!


  3. Very nice words & thoughts today - (well every day !!) & a gorgeous day here altho our neighboring city had another slippery snowstorm. We compete with them on everything - but that they can win at!! Am off on a road trip so want dry ground beneath my wheels !!
    Have a great weekend and also Mother's Day (international I think) to all!!

  4. Myrna...thanks for the kind words and for dropping by. You be careful on the road, ya hear?

    Happy Mothers Day to ya as well (whether it applies or not!)


  5. Jim,
    I'm positive that you are correct...:)

    Hope you are having a very good one,

  6. Cat...been trying to post a thank you all day long! Trouble getting it to post!
    Thank you for the visit...


  7. Well Jim, I read this first thing this morning but didn't post a comment. Not sure why.
    Been a little emotional lately.
    I know you understand.
    So it WAS a great post. Probably got me all choked up and sappy (knowing me). Thanks!

  8. always thanks for the nice comments and for dropping by. Your visit is always worth looking forward to!


  9. Do you recall my post about the Atral (feeling body) connections a while back?

    Sure, I take a technical look on all this, as it is hard for me to feel, but I like to be in my mind. And do.

    Nice post Jim!


  10. Thanks for the comments, John. I appreciate it.

