Thursday, May 1, 2008

Following Your Instincts...

You know how you sometimes get a feeling that something is about to happen? You don't know if it's good or bad, but you just know that something is about to take place. How about are starting to go somewhere and suddenly you get the feeling that you shouldn't go, or that you should change your route or time of departure?

Everyone has these feeling, but not everyone pays any attention to them. Believe me, you should! First impressions! Always go with your first impressions...that was my Father's advise to me a long time ago. I try and follow it all of the time. You must learn to be aware of these feelings, hunches, impressions or warning signs. I don't mean to stop going places or stop meeting new people...anything like that. I just mean to pay attention to them! It will make you a bit more cautious and sometimes that's enough! It gives you an edge in some cases...

The reason I bring this up is that today I am scheduled to go to the Veteran's Hospital for my monthly blood work. No big deal...I go in, they draw blood, I go home. They call me at home later with the adjustments to my medication, if any. Normally I go early in the morning...and I mean early! If you have ever lived in a big city, you know that if you want to be somewhere in the first part of the work day, then you are going to fight traffic, and I mean a LOT of traffic! It's called rush hour, and it can easily add up to an hour or so to the 20 mile trip to V.A. for me. So you get in the habit of leaving earlier, trying to beat the traffic and assure yourself a parking space when you get there. The same is true for the return trip.

Anyway, yesterday I started having the strongest feelings that I should wait to go to V.A. until later in the day. They are open until 5:00 p.m. for drawing blood, so early afternoon is good. Last night the feeling got I am paying attention to it. Here I sit writing this, when by this time I am normally sitting in the lab getting stuck! But I feel more comfortable about changing my time of departure and the feeling of foreboding is not there this morning.

Maybe nothing will happen, who knows? But good or bad, whatever the reason...I have learned over the years to pay attention to those little nagging feelings. After all...we don't always know what we affect. Like the "Butterfly Effect", ya know? If you aren't familiar with that term, then Google it! You will be amazed when you read it!

While I'm waiting to leave, I think I'll have some more coffee! See, good things are happening already...want to join me?


  1. Yeah, I do know what you mean.

    I've been having a recurring dream that is always left in limbo with a huge problem going unsolved. Until last night that is.
    What ever the problem was, got solved once and for all. So I woke feeling satisfied.
    But now that I'm awake and away from that dream, I don't remember what the problem was. lol (goof ball!)

    Anyway yes, first impressions and going with your gut feelings are a good thing. A-ha.

    Cya when you get back home.

  2. Hope you had a safe trip.
    In fact here's hoping all the traffic was safe.

  3. Hey Myrna...hey Blondie..glad you beauties could drop by! Gives this place a little class, ya know?
    Thanks for the comments and yes, the trip's all done for another month. And the traffic wasn't bad at all that time of the day. See ya

