Saturday, May 31, 2008

How's This For Handy...?

As you can imagine, one of the most important things to consider when moving to the desert is the ability to furnish clean, fresh water for cooking, drinking, and washing. Although there are well drilling companies in the area, the quality of the water cannot be vouched for until the water is found, accessed and then tested. If it doesn't meet state standards, the well is worthless as the well cannot be used for drinking water. Locating water cannot be guaranteed by the drillers until they try!

So that pretty much leaves two options...buying water and hauling it, and catching rain water. If you chose the latter, you have to hope that you don't run into a very dry year. Buying water can be a pain merely because you are at the mercy of the Water company as to how much they are willing to sell and the price that they want to charge. Not a pretty thought!

The past few days I have been looking at a third option. This option makes a lot of sense to me. It is called Atmospheric Water Generators. The principle behind this technology is very simple in theory. The generator takes in air from the surrounding area, condenses and collects the water, passes the water through a series of filters and UV light to remove impurities and kill any bacteria and viruses that might be present , the stores it in a holding tank where it is kept until used. The water is agitated to keep it from going flat.

Now you might wonder how much water can this machine produce. The home version will produce about 120 litres of water every 24 hour period. Like I said, this makes sense to me to go this route because even though the unit is electric, it can be powered by solar panels. I have joined a company that is getting into this market, and the opportunity seems pretty good to me. The website explains better than I just how everything works , including the business opportunity. You might want to take a look and see what you think. The link is here and it is pretty informative.

Any thoughts on this idea would be welcome, so let me know. Again, just follow this link and check it out!

After all, we gotta have water for our coffee, right? C'mon, let's get a cup!


  1. Another lesson on How to Survive as a Hermit. You're just amazing Jim!
    Where do you find this stuff? lol
    Will be fun watching it all come together for you. Just incredible!
    I'll have that cup now :)

  2. Hey Blondie...thanks for dropping by! As far as finding this stuff, the Internet was made to order for someone like me...nosy as heck!

    That's how I spend a lot of my time on the net...looking up all these little bits of trivial things that may come in handy someday! It's a good thing I don't have to pay Google for the time I spend on their search engine!

    See ya

  3. Hi Jim,
    i have heard about this technologie a few years ago as a option to secure the water supply for the soldiers in iraq. I was not aware that meanwhile it is freely available...I think it's a great solution for yourself as it is for the environment and air is always around.

  4. Hey Manu...good to see you again. This seemed like a good solution for where I'm going. It has been available in the very small sizes for survivalists and in the larger sizes for the military for some time, but only made available for home use in the past few years. They are used more in Australia than stateside...but then Australia has a lot of areas in the outback that have no power.

    We'll see what happens...

  5. Well you are all ignoring another possibility.

    And that is the use of Divination to find underground rivers.

    This has been done over the centuries, and even today. You need to find a Diviner who knows how to use the tools to find underground rivers. Once they find the place? That's where you drill your well.


  6. Hey JS...believe it or not, the deviving rods are a common tool on most City and County water trucks, most drilling contractors trucks, and on the trucks of a lot of plumbers. It is widely used and accepted in Texas as a very useful tool. They range from rods made from welding rods, coat hangers, branches of willow trees, and several others.

    Some times the old ways still prove to be the best!


  7. Yes it is amazing how these are still accepted. Even so more in Germany, where it is common practice. Maybe the folks in Texas rival those Germans.

