Monday, May 5, 2008

On The More Serious Side...

I don't often feel the need to speak about some things, but the past couple of days have made me realize that I should. It has to do with those of us that choose to blog and with blogging in general .

We all had our own reason for starting a blog. My reason was just to have the excuse to write every day, and to have a place to advertise my affiliate programs. At least that's why I originally started . Now blogging is something that I do every day because I want to and I look forward to it.

If you want to make a political statement, a blog is just the place to do it. If you want to advertise, again a blog is good for that as well. A blog is the modern day version of a soap-box in the park or in the town square, a sounding off spot where everyone can have their say and voice their opinion. It is a place for humor, for life's stories, for anything and everything that the blogger wants to say. It is also a place to disagree or suggest an alternative point of view, but it should be done in a manner that is respectful and without malice.

The freedom of speech is a right that belongs to us all. While we may not always agree with what someone says or writes, we should always be ready to vigorously defend their right to say it! Whether it is dealing with business, religion, politics, lifestyles...whatever!

We can disagree without being disrespectful; we can discuss opposite viewpoints without name calling or being demeaning; we can be outspoken without being made to feel like outcast. This goes both for the blogger and for the reader. The blogger writes to inform, suggest, entertain, and enlighten. The reader then digest the presentation, agrees or disagrees and, if they choose, comments on the efforts of the blogger.

This freedom is there to be enjoyed. It exist so that we all can have our say. It flourishes with the use of courtesy and respect, with gentle discussion of ideas, and without the harshness that is prevalent in most forms of media today. I think that we should keep blogging simple, clean, and fun for one and all.

But that's just my opinion! Now, let's get some fresh coffee, OK?


  1. Thanks always, your comments are appreciated. Glad you enjoyed the read!

    See ya at TE later!

  2. The voice of sanity and reason, tolerance and patience. Very well put.
    We all need this reminder once in a while.
    Thank You for it.

  3. Thanks David...for dropping by and for the comments. We should always be reminded to treat everyone with respect...even if it hurts.


  4. Jim,
    Well said, friend.

    I have even taken the plunge and have my own blog, now. If you are interested, it is:


  5. Thanks Cat...Always a pleasure to have you drop by. I love your blog, by the way! I'll visit it regularly!
