Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Notes From From The Almanac...!

One of the most enjoyable periodicals I read every year is the Old Farmers Almanac. It is filled with some of the most amazing information you can imagine. I thought you might enjoy reading some of the facts contained within these timeless pages. So, straight from the Old Farmer's is a sample!

Although Midsummer Day (June 24) occurs near the summer solstice, or what we think of as the beginning of summer, to the farmer it is the midpoint of the growing season, halfway between planting and harvesting, and an occasion for celebration.

Midsummer Eve bonfires and dancing around the Midsummer pole are old customs still observed around the world today. Certainly, it’s a time of magic and soothsaying as well, for as Washington Irving said, “This is a time when it is well known that all kinds of ghosts, goblins, and fairies become visible and walk abroad.”

After the solstice and Midsummer Day, the days start to shorten.

Summer Solstice (June 20)The timing of the summer solstice depends on when the Sun reaches its farthest point north of the equator. This occurs annually sometime between June 20 and 22. This year, it occurs exactly at 7:59 P.M. EDT tonight heralding the beginning of summer. The word “solstice” comes from the Latin sol (sun) and stitium (to stop), reflecting the fact that the Sun appears to stop at this time (and again at the winter solstice).

Midsummer Day (June 24)Midsummer Eve and Midsummer Day are considered sacred to lovers. On Midsummer Eve, pick seven different wildflowers, and then walk home silently and backward. Place the flowers under your pillow and dream of your future husband. In Lithuanian tradition, the dew on Midsummer Day morning was said to make young girls beautiful and old people look younger. It was also thought that walking barefoot in the dew would keep your skin from getting chapped.

Man...I love this kind of stuff ! I may never need to know this information, but it sure is fun to have it on hand if I ever want to impress someone important with my vast knowledge of valuable trivia...someone like maybe my grand daughter!!??

Now, let's go get some fresh coffee...


  1. Man that is interesting.
    And I was just talking about the first day of summer and the longest day of the year just yesterday.
    But NOW I know SO MUCH MORE !!!
    Thanks Jim :))

  2. Hey Blondie...thanks for the comments and for dropping by.

    Yep...that's me!! I'm just a warehouse of useless information, but I do LUV this kind of trivia!! Makes for some enjoyable reading, ya know?


  3. Brings you an aussie (_)>. hi Jim you are right, this kind of trivia is very enjoyable to read. Pity for me though we are still 6 months away from Summer here. It is my favourite season of all and I wish all days were longer.

  4. hey missi...thanks for dropping by from down under. Always a pleasure to have you here. Yeah, it's hard not to like the summer and spring. Watching things grow, enjoying the sun, fireflies at night, picnics and cookouts. Man, that's building memories, huh?

