Sunday, June 29, 2008

Shadow People...Part One !

I'm starting to see the Shadow People again! I thought that they were gone, but tonight I saw them again.

I don't really remember when they first showed up. I really don't think I was aware of them fully for the longest time, just slowly becoming more and more conscious of them.

At first they just appeared as a slight movement I could see only out of the corner of my eye. Sometimes I almost caught a glimpse of them in the mirror, only to lose the image and just blow it off as imagination. But then, they became larger and slower in their movements. It was as though they wanted to be sure I saw them.

Then the noises started. Not strange noises, but just noises that were out of place. Whispers, wind sounds, soft tapping sounds...I started to hear them all. Especially if I was tired or half asleep. Eventually the noises became louder and more sinister, like low growls or moans. That's when I began to get nervous. I wanted to tell someone, but what would I tell them? What could I say? How do you describe something that is more like a dream or nightmare than anything else?

Of course, when someone else was around nothing would happen. No noises, no Shadows, no flickering movements seen in the corner of your eye. Nothing! I should have expected it. I should have known. The Shadow People were here for me and me alone.

Why? That was the question I kept asking myself. What were the Shadows really? Why did they only appear to me? What did they want? I started sleeping less and less, but staying awake seemed to make me more aware of them.

I tried to leave and go somewhere else, but just a few blocks from my home the panic set in. I had to go back! The voices called me louder and louder, becoming more insistent, more demanding, more threatening!

Even then I think I would have been OK. I think I might have been able to live with all of this, to somehow cope. Yes, I might have made it! But then, the Shadows began to touch me!....

( To be continued..)

I'm ready for some fresh about you?


  1. Jim you should google shadow people. There are a few websites that cover them. I cam across this phenomena over 10 years ago. So you're not alone.


  2. Hey Ashley...hey John... thanks for the information, but I feel that I should mention here that this piece is something that I just wrote for the fun of it. I did not mean for it to be taken that I actually started seeing "Shadow People". However, it's interesting to know that there are sites covering this subject. I just had no idea...and will check Google for information. Thanks again!


  3. Well I'm glad you posted that it was 'just for fun'.
    Reading part 1 was freakin me out a little :o
    Good start of a short story Jim.
    Can't wait to read part 2 :)

  4. Hey Blondie...sorry to freak ya out. I just wanted to try something a little different! I actually do have a "part 2 " that I'm working on. This is sort of a short story in progress...

    Dood to see ya, Girl!

  5. Well Jim, I was a bit concerned because these Shadow People seem to exist according to many accounts.

    Let's see where this takes you. Be prepared.


  6. Strange subject indeed... :-) Didn't know anything about it prior to this post. Another strange thing is that maybe a week ago, I could have sworn I saw a reflection of human figure on my 22" big CRT monitor, just for a split second. Of course, nobody was behind me or on the balcony from where the reflection could somehow originate. I never experienced anything like that before, and thought "well, this was strange". But I have credited it to a figment of my imagination, or too high level of X-rays absorbed from the CRT... :-)

  7. hey sinip...funny you shoud mention that. I had a similar occurence not long fact I did a post about it on my blog. Sorry but I don't know the title. Funny feeling isn't it?

  8. I'll try to search for that part of your blog, if I don't forget... :-) Well, it came out of nowhere, I was doing my "computing" as usual, and then, wham, WTF?!?, and it was gone. Just like that. :-) Total surprise. Just to make the things clear, I do believe in UFOs (I even made two photos of those (in)famous chemtrails that came out with the things I haven't noticed while taking the pictures, and I do like conspiracy theories, and all that "paranormal" stuff, but this... :-)

  9. hey is the post that we were talking about earlier. See if it sounds familiar to you.
    Hope you find this interesting.


  10. Ok just red it... One funny thing, my "reflection" was on right side of the screen as well. Not moving but looked like shadow of a human head with the remaining of the body down to waste line or a bit higher. And split second later it disappeared. And I have big windows and balcony door from that side, so the sunshine come from there. It is southern side of the big, 5 stories high apartment building. Just across it, maybe 100 meters or so is one 16 stories high apartment tower. As per noises, since I live at the fifth, top floor, and the roof of the building is not flat, but the real gabled roof with kind of shingle tiles, it sometimes sounds exactly like someone is walking on the roof, or I hear quite loud thumps or similar sounds, but I always attribute it (even now) to "breathing" of the roof construction. You know, heating-cooling and that kind of stuff. And me to live alone. :-)
