Thursday, June 5, 2008

Simple Is Beautiful...!

I bought the Kitties some new toys today. One of them was a simple folding cube with holes in it so the cats could climb inside and play around. Hanging inside was a simple ribbon just hanging there, and they loved it. The kittens played and played with that cube until they literally wore themselves out. While watching them play with that simple little cube, I was reminded of all the Christmases that we would give the children some fancy toy in a large box, only to have them spend more time playing with the box than with the fancy toy!

I remember one year my Dad gave my nephew a wooden spoon and a pot with a long handle. Everyone wondered what my nephew was going to do with these simple kitchen utensils except for my nephew, who promptly started using the pot and spoon for anything and everything you can imagine! The wooden spoon would be a gun one minute, then a sword, then a drumstick to beat on the pot with. The pot got used to sit on as a chair to watch T.V., a drum, worn as a helmet and so many other things I can't remember them all! My nephew probably had more use from that simple gift than any other he got that year!

The point is, my Dad saw the potential in the simplicity of the gift when no one else did. He was really good at that sort of thing. He grew up in times when you made do with what you had at hand, when kids made a lot of their own toys, or some one made them by hand for their use. The beauty of simple things was apparent to them, partly from necessity and partly because that's the way people looked at things.

The beauty of simplicity. In this day and age, we often overlook the programs that are beautiful in their simplicity. Instead we search for complicated programs with payout structures we barely understand, for matrix type programs that have failure written all over them because they are designed for the privileged few heavy hitters, and for HYIP type programs promising unrealistic payouts that are obviously not self supporting.

Enter the simple programs. These simple, self-sustaining, realistic programs have the best chance of lasting a long time and being a boon to those who can see the beauty in the simplicity of their structure. One of the best of these programs, in my opinion, is 10DollarsWonder. I know, I know...we have talked about this program before, but I just wanted to remind you of it's strong points. It's simple, easy to understand, long lasting, and best of all...self sustaining! What more could you ask for? It has a long , well respected track record and pays regularly.

Why not change the way you look at these types of programs? Don't continue to make things harder than they really are. Complicated and hard to understand doesn't necessarily mean better! If you want a program that lives up to it's potential, the maybe it's time to go back to the old fashioned way. Maybe you should take another look and this time see if you don't agree...simple is beautiful!

Now what do you say to a simple cup of fresh coffee?


  1. That was a great story Jim.
    Reminds me of the old days too when we (the kids) would make our own stuff to play with instead of asking for the expensive ones, which we knew our parents couldn't afford anyway.

    And a nice little plug for 10dw also. It sure is going well, isn't it?

    Have a fun day, it's raining here.

  2. Hey Blondie...thank you for dropping by.Kind of a back door approach to plugging a program, huh! I'm glad you liked the's a true one. Sorry it's raining there, but that's a good reason to hang with your internet buddies inside, right?

    See ya later

  3. Mornin' Jim,

    I have to agree with you...simle is so beautiful. Why we humanoids get all tangled up in the complicated stuff is beyond is so much more pleasant to Keep It Super Simple. (Notice I didn't say it the stupid

    Smile til it hurts,


  4. hey Cat...always good to see your smiling face! Right you are that we get caught up in the glammor of a thing instead of it's beauty and simplicity. Human nature, I guess!

    Thanks for dropping by and "Keep Smiling!"


  5. Hey Jim,

    Cat dragged me over here to look at kittens.

    You have the greatest posts. It makes me feel guilty that I do not take more time to edit and proofread mine.

    10DollarsWonder is an impressive program. My account has grown 800% since I joined 10 months ago.

  6. Hey Will...long time, no see! Always good to see old friends drop by. Thanks for the comments and the visit!

    See yasoon...
