Saturday, June 7, 2008

So What Do You Really Want...?

I wanted to post another article by Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction trainer and author. It has to do with one of our every day emotions and ways of thinking, so I felt it was appropriate to post here. I hope you enjoy it.

"If you’re familiar with my work you’ll often hear me use the phrase “So, what do you want?” In my book and other articles, I often refer to wanting to attract something. In short I use the word ‘want’.

A number of people have been trained not to use the word ‘want.’ They have been told that when you use the word ‘want’ you’re actually holding the vibration of not having ‘it’. Or when you use the word ‘want’ you’re coming from a place of lack.

For example, the word homework excites some people yet causes a negative vibration in others. Words can feel negative to one person and feel positive to another.

To illustrate my point, read the next two scenarios and after each one decide whether you are sending a negative vibration or a positive vibration.Note that the words are exactly the same.

Scenario # 1 – You notice something that you desire but in your head you catch yourself thinking, “I’ll never get one as it’s out of my reach.” Then you say “I want one of those”, in a whiny voice. (What vibrations would you be sending here?)

Scenario # 2 – You desire something new and you see it. With your eyes wide open and acting like an excited kid you say “I want one of those!” pointing at the exact item that matches your desire. (What vibrations would you be sending here?)

Remembering that Law of Attraction is responding to vibrations (your feelings), it’s how you feel about the words you say which is most important.

It’s not the words you use,it’s how you feel about the words that you use.

So the next time somebody tells you not to use the word ‘want’ you can teach them why using the word ‘want’ is okay for you.


Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.

Now you know what I want? A fresh cup of coffee...want to join me?


  1. Soytainly Jim! said in the voice of Curly from the 3 Stooges, lol
    Working on my 2nd pot already.
    Enjoy you day!
    I know you WANT to!

  2. I WANT to agree...I DO agree...Thanks for the post, Friend Jim!

    Smile into that cuppa joe,

  3. Good Morning Jim,

    i am fimiliar with the Law of Attraction teachings and i do believe that the spoken word is a powerful tool...
    But i could never fully agree that the word "want" always comes from a sense of lack. I've tried not to use the word, but not successfully. It keeps on sneaking into my vocabulary, it is just part of me.
    So i very much appreciate this post...I've always been a firm believer that ones intention and the engery/vibration one sends out is that what matters to manifest what one desires.

    Great post Jim!!! Thank you very much.

  4. WOW!!! How lucky can one guy be...?? My three best looking lady readers all showing up at the same time! I'm overwhelmed!!!

    Blondie...glad you got some use out of the pic and glad you could stop by this morning! I always look foward to your visit, as you well know.

    Hey smiley friend! Glad to have your smiling face here this morning. Makes the coffee seem to taste a little better when taken with a smile!

    Manu...waant is a part of our nature now days, I think. At least Mr. Losier explains how that is not always a bad thing, right? I'm really glad you could come by this morning!

    Thanks again, Pretty Ladies!
    Lucky HermitJim

  5. Am afraid that I do not agree with Mr. Losier on this one, at least not totally. His argument is not strong enough.

    I am hesitant to post this here as I don't want to hurt any feelings. Ok, I will post it but understand that am not doing this with any motive in mind. Here goes:

    The word "want" is actually synonymous with "lack". Not that it implies lack. But it's the actual definition of "want". Want is defined as lack.

    Then, words have vibrations of their own. They have power. Ask anyone who is familiar with the Kabalah and other mystic paths. Words and objects/symbols have their own vibration (an actual high frequency vibration full of energy).

    When words are uttered thoughts or feelings of your own have very little effect. That's why it is said that God spoke the world (Universe) into existence.

    But I do agree with the author/trainer that thoughts and emotions do have power, especially when visualizing or when speaking affirmations, especially out loud.

    Finally the examples that he uses, especially the last one... well, seeing something and saying excitedly that I want that nice yellow mini does not in fact have enough of my personal energy via feelings/emotions and thought to actually make it happen. That's why you must repeat an affirmation at least 21 days, upon awakening and when going to sleep. But then even ten, I would NOT use the word want in my affirmation. I would say something like "I am abundant and am receving a brand new yellow mini, pink bikini, 32 inch waist." OK?

    And am talking through experience! That's how I managed to get a Lexus SC400 (worth $65 grand) 15 years ago when I practiced such things.

    Finally (second finally) those folks who can see auras will report that when they look at a person they see miniature objects circling the person, such as cars, jewels, money, homes, whatever the person's desires are, both at the feeling level (Astral plane and body) and mental plane and body. The more the person focuses on those desires, and thinks about them, the more defined these objects become until they finally manifest on the physical plane (this world), via all kinds of means.


  6. One more thing: You see, the Law of Attraction is not a one shot thought or desire. It needs steady work, as I described in my last post, above. It needs a lot of your energy and Attention (the root of mind).

    And that's why it eventually works, for folks constantly focus on what they desire, unconsciously and consciously. That is why folks get exactly what they "want" (because mostly they focus on desires UNconsciously). So when things happen folks are bewildered and cry out: why me????? Oh God why me? Because, idiot, that's exactly what you "want". Haha!

  7. And folks don’t understand that. Because they don’t have that knowledge of how things work. The unconscious Mind is 90% of your total mind. You are only aware of 10% of it. The 90% is what drives your life. It’s the script you are following without knowing it. That is why Jesus said “Know thyself”. That’s the meaning.

  8. Hey JS...thanks for dropping by and for the explaination of manifesting and the use of the word want!A lot of food for thought here. (no pun intended!)

    This Law of Attraction is more involved than most people think, which is probably why there are workshops and workbooks to help guide folks along the correct path to it's use.

    Thanks again

  9. I agree Jim. That's why I posted. Because most folks simply do not understand what is actually involved, and take the statements from such "gurus" as legit and final. So I had to explain it.

    Ok, so given that, here are some affirmations that help folks with health and wealth. Or wealth honestly earned.

    Now here are a couple of mantras or affirmations to be done upon waking and upon sleeping, for 21 days or more: (and ensure you read these out lout in order to also involve the sense of hearing, not just seeing)

    For Health:

    Every atom in my body, thrill with life to make me well.
    Every molecule within me, carry health from cell to cell.
    Cells and organs in all systems build for lasting strength and youth,
    Work in harmony together by the Conscious Light, as Truth.

    And for moral improvement:

    Whatever I think, whatever I do: Myself, my senses, be honest, be true.

    The key is that your affirmation is short, rhymes, and mentions the Conscious Light or the Divine.

  10. Thanks again John. I appreciate it.


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