Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sorry...But I'm Confused Again !

While on the way to the V.A. hospital yesterday, I started to notice all the new construction going on around Houston and the outlying area. Now apartment buildings and new housing going up around any big city is nothing newsworthy. However, the thing that I started to wonder about was why did all the brand new buildings look the same? I mean row after row, building after building, every neighborhood looked exactly the same!

I thought the whole idea in buying a new house or renting a new apartment was to have something a little different than what everybody else had. But then I'm just that way. Confused...!

Houston has a bad problem with flooding when it rains hard. For years the powers that be be have been saying that they are trying to solve the problem. They built more drainage ditches, enlarged the gutters and storm sewers, put new toppings on the major roads so that the water would drain faster into the brand new storm drains and gutters, and yet when it comes a big rain, it floods. I wonder if the thousands and thousands of new building permits for the row after row of look-a-like housing could have anything to do with it? Maybe it's a combination of covering hundreds of acres of Mother Nature's good old dirt made for draining rain water with concrete parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, new roads, strip malls and all such as that AND the new building permits! But it's just a thought.What do I know? I'm confused...!

There is a lot of road repair and improvement going on right now in Houston as well. I just can't help but wonder why for three years the roads are allowed to deteriorate and crumble, the empty lots aren't maintained, the sidewalks are allowed to buckle, street signs are allowed to fall or be stolen, general cleanup of city property is ignored and then suddenly...all the road crews and yard crews and cleanup crews show up in force and like a miracle the needed repairs are getting done! I just can't help but think that maybe it's the fact that this is an election year for a lot of city and county officials, but you know how I am. Confused...!

Maybe if I just get some fresh coffee, sit on the patio for a while, and think about something simple for a change...like why the Government has decided that all the television signals be digital by the early part of 2009, or why the Government passed a law that says the incandescent light bulbs being made in America be replaced by mercury filled fluorescent bulbs made in China only by the year 2014, maybe then it will be clearer. Maybe I won't be like I am! Maybe I won't be so...confused !!

Want to join me in a cup?


  1. It's all confusing to me too Jim. I go out as seldom as possible. I prefer staying home and living in my own little world here with a touch of nature.
    Got a raccoon story for my blog today.
    Thanks for the coffee,
    Cya in a bit,

  2. Hey Blondie...thanks for the visit. I'm looking forward to the "critter" story...you tell 'em so well! Thank goodness we have Mother Nature to watch every now and then to help keep things in perspective.

    See ya later, my friend!
