Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday Update On Tuesday...

Sorry for not getting an update out yesterday, but better late than never I guess! But I do have some good news for those of you who are still interested in making some extra money from home and finding a good place to advertise your opportunities at the same time.

I just joined ETXADS, owned by the SFIpay folks. This site is a sister site with and identical to DRW with the exception of earning 150% per Ad Pack Purchase (rather than 200%). This means your Ad Packs mature a little sooner. But also the "profit sharing" portion seems to be a little faster. They accept AlertPay, e-gold, PayPal and SFIPay. You can get started for as little as $5.00

10DW continues to be a paying and profit-making program that is very high on my list. I am so glad that this little gem continues to grow as it is certainly my favorite profit maker.

DRW is another program that just keeps on paying and paying, but if you aren't good at getting referrals it will just take a little longer to make your profit. You will, however, still make a fairly good profit faster than you think.

My best paying program without a doubt is the Private Program I am a member of. I have been paid once already and immediately put it right back in. I now have three different plans running and am a very happy camper indeed. I can't tell you about it here, as it is private. However if you want more information just send me an email and I will be more than happy to tell you about it.

Well, that's all I'm going to talk about today...unless I think of something else earthshaking. Now what do you say to a fresh cup of coffee?


  1. Morning Jim,
    Nice update today :)
    Am still not sleeping well so am not too talkative yet.
    Maybe more of your good coffee will help to get me started.
    Filler up please.

  2. hey Blondie...sure am glad to see ya this morning. Now I feel that I can start my day with a smile.

    I'm always happy when my friends take time from their busy schedule to drop by and share a cup of coffee and a hello! Very nice...

    See ya later...pretty lady!

  3. Goodmorning! I have finally found some internet access and time together. Im waking up to the view of the waves rolling in off the sea. I just had to pop in and join you for a coffee before I go wade through the support mails. Good to see your doing well.

  4. Hey Missi...certainly good to see that you could take time from your busy schedule to drop by and comment for me. It means a lot, believe me.

    Sounds like a beautiful view. I hope all is going well for you and we look forward to having you back on a regular basis. Take care, Girl!

    See ya...

