Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gonna Be Busy Today...!

Today I have a family reunion at my Mom's house. I've been making potato salad, egg salad for sandwiches, all that stuff. I'll fire the grill up tomorrow afternoon for hot dogs, sausage links and the like. My sister will bring all the good concoctions she can create ( I'm thinking cookies here!) and my niece is always good for some outstanding dips and other outstanding snacking foodstuffs. We never lack for food...but I guess most family get togethers are that way!

I hope you remember to get in early at Deep Cycler for the addition of the $5 and the $6 lines added today. If so, I'll see you there!

Now, it is Saturday and we haven't had a cartoon in a this would be a good day for one. So run get your coffee, grab some peanut butter toast, and enjoy the show...


  1. Good morning Jim,

    All that food sounds so good. BBQ is one of the best parts of summer. Have a wonderful time with your family today!
    Thanks for the toons :)- Many years ago I used to love to watch the Smurfs...then I grew up. ;)

  2. Hi Jim...sounds like one heck of a time this weekend:o)
    Have a awsome time at the family get together and with all the great food. Don't forget about the roomies...i am sure they love some too.

    See ya later,

  3. Hey in Texas we can grill all year long, as our winter's are not that cold or long. BBQ recipes are one thing I am always trying to improve on, especially brisket.

    as far as the cartoons, I remember my sisters and I having so much fun with them on Saturday morning that I just started having them become part of our Saturdays here.

    Hey Manu...yeah, the reunions are always a lot of fun, even though I don't like crowds. I think the best part of any big get together is when everyone goes home.

    Thanks Ladies, for dropping by and for the comments. I appreciate it a lot.

  4. Hermitjim - I luv BBQ's altho I don't have a BBQ - did have one at time time- and the mosquitoes came - and since I don't care for sharing my self with them .I got rid of the BBQ when I moved.

    But I sure do luv the food. !!

    You sound like my son - he tolerates a crowd - but likes it it small doses. He is so happy when everyone leaves and he can do his own thing - like work on a vehicle, cut the lawn ,do the laundry ...

    Have a great day !!

  5. Hey Myrna...the mosquitoes here are actually fun to play with. We just put a saddle on 'em and ride them until they are to tired to bite!
    You are certainly right about the taste of grilled food. Always been one of my favorites (and that's a long list)

    Thanks for the visit...

  6. I love BBQ brisket and texas style ribs! We recently had a Texas Roadhouse open nearby (that's a big deal around here you know, I live in the boonies)and they have really good food! Make you can share some of your BBQ recipes one day..please..? :) hoping you are not in the path of this hurricane Gustav?

  7. Oops..meant maybe.. not make :)

  8. Hey Lydia...glad to share any recipes as I like to cook and have quite a few! Brisket has always been my favorite and I have spent a lot of time trying to find the perfect brisket and the perfect chili recipes. A fun search cause you can always eat your mistakes, ya know?

    We should know more about the direction of the hurricane path by tomorrow late...but it has been upgraded to a catagory 4. I have a feeling that this one is coming right down our throats, but I hope i'm wrong. I'll keep everyone posted.

    se ya...

  9. Hermitjim - big mosquitoes - really ?? Or r u joshing me .
    If they are that big - please keep them there.

    Hope you don't get that storm or are not in the path .. let us know how you are .

    Have a good Sat. evening!
