Saturday, August 2, 2008

HermitJim's New Toy...

Well, another dream has been realised and another goal reached. I just bought a Dell Latitude laptop from Ebay. I have wanted a laptop ever since I started planning a move to the country and using solar power as a primary energy source. The reason? It is much more practical to keep a laptop battery charged or to use it from a power supply using solar than trying to use a desktop. An added plus is that a laptop takes up a lot less room than a desktop. You see? I'm trying to cover all my bases before I actually move. Little by little, I'm getting there.

I'm basically a self taught computer user, so setting up all the bells and whistles and making everything work like it should takes me a little longer than some folks. But the one advantage to this is that once I learn something, I find it easier to remember. I was supposed to have some help tonight setting everything up, but the help never showed. So I will get it done the old fashion way...doing it myself.

Unfortunately, I did not get a users manual with the package, but I managed to download one from Dell's website. With the manual, some fresh coffee, and a good attitude the Hermit will pull it off! Just have to stay positive about it.

For those that might be interested, here are the specs on it...

Condition: Used
Processor Type:Intel Pentium M, Centrino
Processor Speed:1.6 GHz
Screen Size:14 inch
Processor Configuration:Single Core
Memory (RAM):512 MB
Primary Drive:CD-RW/DVD Combo
Hard Drive Capacity:40 GB

It came with a really nice carrying case, a charger, and an AC adapter and power cord. Overall, I am well pleased with it and I'm looking forward learning all about it. So now...I'm going to get a fresh cup of coffee and start,I mean working...with my new toy. Want to join me?


  1. Good morning Jim...congratulations on your new toy. It's a wonderful feeling to realize ones dreams step by step and one day your ultimate dream is reached...sitting on the front porch of your house in the dessert working on the laptop that's running on a solar charged batterie :o)

    Have fun getting to know your new toy, Manu.

  2. Hey Manu...thanks for dropping by. Yeah, the feeling od accomplishment when you get to a goal is great. I think that this will be a great way to stay in touch when I move as well.

    Thanks again for stopping by.

  3. Hey Jim. Get far more RAM. 512 Mb is just not enough. Get it up to 2 Gb at least. You can get that very cheap either locally or on the 'net.


  4. Hey John...thanks for stopping by. Yes, adding memory was one of the first things I learned to do when I started in working with computers. By far the cheapest way to improve the performance of any system and , for the money, the best and first upgrade that should be made.

    Thanks for the comments.

  5. Morning Jim :)
    Congrats on your new toy!
    I'm sure it'll keep your brain busy for awhile figuring it all out.
    Should be lots of fun though, a new computer and a cup a coffee!
    Purrrrrrfect :))

  6. Hey Blondie...thanks for the words of encouragement. I need all the help I can get. I'm glad to have so many friends on the web that are smarter than I am so I can ask questions and all.

    Now as long as I don't run out of coffee and ice cream, I'll be set!!

    See ya

  7. Happy Sat. morning HermitJim - and others.
    Good for you to get a new toy - 'specially a laptop. I am envious - every time I get 'nuf saved up for a laptop - something happens !! & I have to spend it on a rental property !! Anyone want some Alberta property cheap !! But getting a laptop is a dream (goal!!) of mine too. I have lots of goals !! - so better get at it.

    Have a good Sat HermitJim all. I think I know what you'll be doing this Sat night. !

  8. Hey Myrna...thanks for coming by. I know what you mean about something always coming up. I got such a good deal from Ebay on this laptop, I just couldn't pass it up.

    Good luck with the rental property...kind of a pain sometimes, huh?

    See ya

  9. Hermitjim - Rental property - yes I agree it can be a pain - and yet I have enjoyed it for the most part !! Nothing like the school of experience to be your teacher .
