Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Friends Blue And Green...

In continuing our discussion about the colors and how they can affect us, we certainly can't overlook what may be two of the most favorites of all the colors...Green and Blue!

First, let's consider the color green.

Green is the color of nature, the color of the plant world. Green is the middle of the color spectrum and is therefore seen as a color of balance. It can be interpreted as either a warm or cool color, depending on the shade.

Green stands for growth and the desire to expand and increase. It is the vibration of relationships because in growing and expanding we meet others around us.

If you feel trapped by external circumstances or restricted in some way, taking a walk in green surroundings or surrounding yourself with green will restore your balance.

Avoid green in situations where you need to be ‘on the ball’ or react quickly as to what is happening, as the color is such a good relaxer. It is good for the following:

. Heart problems
. Claustrophobia
. Bronchitis
. Brooding
. Flu
. Fear of emotional involvement

Put green in your life when there is...

. A need for new ideas.
. A need to let change happen but also there is a fear of the unknown .
. A restricted feeling caused by circumstances such as being housebound or feeling trapped by other people’s rules and regulations.
. Negative “green” emotions such as jealously, envy and greed.

Now let's consider blue...

There are two aspects of blue. On the one side there is the search for information and detail and on the other side the experience of rest and peacefulness without any particular focus or thought. This seems to be a contradiction but the uniting factor is the desire for balance.

All kinds of communication like listening, talking and learning are “blue” activities. In fact, blue is the color of our throat chakra which is related to how we express ourselves. Blue is the color of distance, it gives a quality of detachment and devotion. Think about how gazing into the sky or deep blue water brings a sense of calm. Blue seems to somehow free our minds from normal activity.

You can use blue to help the energy flow of communication whether you are listening to yourself or someone else. To help remember a speech or anything else you need to remember, write it on blue paper.

Avoid this color if you are feeling cold or low or feel any stiffness or tightness in your body. It is good for the following conditions:

. High blood pressure
. Timidity
. Laryngitis
. Frigidity
. Migraines
. Fear of speaking out
. Cuts, stings or burns
. Distrust
. Menstrual problems
. Fear of confrontation

Top Tip from Counselling Spain.
Put blue in your life when there is...
. A need to communicate clearly
. A need to calm excitable or agitated states
. A need for peace, rest or solitude

Now, how about some nice fresh coffee...guaranteed to fight the blues!


  1. Good morning Jim...how is the coffee? ;o)
    Thank you for another colorful insight for today. I definitly love to be outside in the nature(green)and i love blue skies and i love the sun(yellow).
    Loving coffee so much black must be one of your favorite colors.;o) LOL


  2. Hey Manu...thanks for dropping by. Actually, I think of coffee as a brown, not black. Brown is an Earth color so in my mind is tied to Mother Nature. The actual coffee bean is green until it is roasted, so you can see where it fits right in with today's post.

    Thanks again for the comments...

  3. Jim...thanks for correcting me :o)
    i guess i was just thinking about that people always say i have my coffee black.LOL

  4. Hermitjim - made sure I came by today even if it late - 10:30 pm.
    I love the different shades of both those colors - have some as accents in my living room, and have
    green plates that look like leaves
    for snacks...
    Anyway it is late and I am babbling so will take leave and
    sto babbing. Tomorrow is another great day and I want to be up in the yellow sun bright and early.
    Anticipating the opening of 10cent ( when it comes ) and your news for the day !
    Have a good rest all.

  5. Myrna...thanks for dropping by. These two colors seem to be some of the most favorite ones. A lot of people use blue and green in decorating and in brightening up around the house.

    Hope you have a good night...
