Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sometimes Things Are Black And White...!

It's true...sometimes things are just black and white, and sometimes that can be good! But let's consider for a minute just how black and white (and grey) affect us.

Strictly speaking, black and white are not colors; they are characteristics of the presence or absence of light. Black and white cannot be defined without each other. Black absorbs all aspects of light whereas white reflects, black conceals whereas white reveals.

In symbolism, white is seen as holy, good and whole therefore black inevitably becomes linked to fearful and bad experiences. White is the color of emergence, birth and change whereas black is the colour of withdrawal from definition, of the hidden.

White makes its presence felt whereas black withdraws, refusing to take a stand or be noticed. The energy of white completes, the energy of black prepares.

Using black.

If you want to become inconspicuous, consider dressing in black. Black clothing can convey the message “notice I am here but don’t invade my space

Using white.

White has the ability to clear away all clutter, all unwanted noise. New beginnings and fresh starts benefit from this energy.


Grey is the true neutral color. It is the color of emptiness, lack of emotion and lack of warmth. However, because of this, it can be restful. If it contains a lot of white, it will take on the qualities of surrounding colors, however, if it contains a lot of black it can feel depressing.

Unlike brown, grey has no connection to the solid earth or nature. Immovable stone and cloudy skies reflect the impersonal nature of grey. Grey has a detached, isolated and unemotional feel. Grey clothes can suggest the wearer wishes to remain uninvolved but they can also suggest sophistication.

Using grey.

Top Tip from Angel Therapy Spain. Add a hint of another color to your grey clothing and you will be seen as efficient, well behaved but also having a personality. If you want to emphasize your willingness to comply, wear grey.

Now what do you say to some fresh coffee, my friend!


  1. Good morning Jim,

    A quick thanks for this information on colors. I remember back in the corporate world, our management group had to attend a week long seminar to be taught about colors. Primarily, which colors to wear during meetings and presentations in order to appear authoritative, submissive etc.
    have a great day!

  2. Hey Lydia...thanks for the visit. I'm sure that many companies have special groups that study these types of things. I know that in retail chains the affect of colors worn by the employees on the customers has always been a hot topic. Consider how many stores that you go in where the employees are wearing RED shirts or vest.

    Most are red or blue...there has to be a reason.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Well I like grey. Guess I'm a grey sort of person. I'd rather not be noticed in a crowd. Just let me do my thing and be on my way, you know?

    Thanks for the coffee Jim.
    See you soon,
    blondie :))

  4. Hey Blondie...thanks for stopping by. I'm sure that you would be noticed in a crowd anyway cause of your beautiful hair! As long as your hair is, you could hurt someone in a crowd if you flipped it over your sholders.

    As for me...I'd take the chance of injury!

    See ya...

  5. (giggle)
    You're so funny :)

  6. Hermitjim - did read your post late last night - and too tired to type - so just stopped in again to say Hi. Liked your story again.
    I wear both Black, and white - ( I like white but hard to keep clean - as I must be just like a kid !!)
    They are striking colors I find. becuase of course I am a striking person !! ... and those are among the many colors that attract me.
    Just teasing !!

  7. Hey Myrna...thanks for coming by. Black and white can be effectively worn by some people very well.
    As I've gotten older, I don't pay much attention to the color that I wear. I figure as long as I've got clothes on, that's good enough.

    Thanks for the visit...
