Sunday, September 21, 2008

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning...!!

I am so happy to be back here with all my Internet friends again! It's good to get some sense of normal back after this last week, let me tell you!

Hard to believe it's been only a week since Ike rolled through this area on his destructive path that took him as far as Ohio. The storm itself measured 599 miles across when it made landfall in Texas early Saturday morning a week ago. By the time it reached Ohio, some folks were reporting damage from 60 MPH winds from this ugly monster.

My family is all safe and sound, including the that's a blessing! Very little damage to my house or my Mom's house...another blessing! The power was off for about 6 hours in my neighborhood and then came back on. As of this writing, only about 1.2 million people are still without power in this area, including the coast.

I wanted to give you all a look at just some of the damage in this area. No words can describe the complete and total devistation of so many homes and businesses. The number of lives forever changed by this storm will never be known and the pain, both emotional and physical, can only be guessed at. This video says it better than I could...

Now...let's sit a while together and share a fresh cup of coffee. Did I tell you I missed you, my friend?


  1. Morning Jim,
    Having my first cuppa with ya.
    Great to have you back!
    Off to watch your video now.
    (you know I'm slow loading)
    Later Friend,
    blondie :))

  2. Hey Blondie...glad to see ya first thing in the morning again! I saved ya a seat right by the hummingbird feeder...they are still going strong here.

    Would you believe that during the storm, my hummingbird feeder was not even knocked down?? It just hangs from a nail on my patio...

    Ah, the wonders of Mother Nature!

    See ya, my little Colorado Cupcake!!

  3. Good Afternoon,
    My, what a pleasure it is to have you back, Jim.

    Just wanted to say hey...I'll be back 'round after I have a up early to get a cake delivered and then cooked breakfast after I got back now I need a nap! lol

    Smile at ya later,

  4. Hey Cat...sure is good to see you too! I was having a bad case of net withdrawal, let me tell you!

    Enjoy that nap...I always do!

    see ya later...

  5. Hey, Bubba! I have been checking every day for your delightful blogs. We all DID miss you. I know you make a big deal about being a hermit and liking solitude but I know you must have been going a little nuts without yor internet! I knew y'all were o.k. and still I worried. My inlaws were hit by the ill winds of Ike and suffered some property damage. Good to have you back...I think I need these blogs as much as you do!

  6. Hey Sis...glad to see ya drop by. It was a scary time for sure. I sent you an email this morning with my cell phone # ( yes, I finally bought one) so you would have it in case we lose the power again...

    Glad you can follow this collection of thoughts that make up my blog...hope you always enjoy it!

  7. The video is amazing. So much destruction and devastation. I am so relieved that you weathered the storm. My heart goes out to those that have suffered such major losses.
    Thanks for the insight as to what it is like in the wake of Ike.

    Catch ya tomorrow,

    ps I didn't get that nap...them dang kids that used to live here just keep showin' up...(I hope you know I am Kidding!) I love it when my babies come home.

  8. Hey Cat...funny how kids never pick a good time. If you wanted them to show, they wouldn't.

    Just gotta LUV 'em!! See ya!

  9. Hi Jim, so nice to see you back and doing well. Glad you did not have damage from the storm! Wow@ that video!(one of my fav songs too) So sad for all those who have suffered loss and damage. Many years ago there was a bad storm not too far from here where there was major damage to the cemetary and coffins were unearthed, floating all over the area and down the river. Before my time here but many speak of it still.

    Well welcome back! You were missed by so many friends. Old and new alike. :)

  10. Hey Lydia..good to see you again. Thanks for the kind words and thoughts as well!

    Very sad, all this damage but you know like the old saying goes "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger!" Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this storm...

    Thanks for dropping by!

  11. Hermitjim - welcome back for sure.
    Sorry I didn't get to post sooner. Very busy but shouldn't have been too busy to post. I was going into withdrawl at not seeing your blog. Blondie was a great help in letting us know you and family were actually okay just not on the net.
    Will be back on Mon. for sure.
    Love and take care of each other!!
