Sunday, September 7, 2008

Have You Seen My Desk...?

Somewhere in this stack of clutter in front of me, I used to have a desk. On this desk I used to have a lot of useful items, like a pen, a memory stick for my PC, a small calculator and other various odds and ends. The cats have taken it on themselves to completely move and rearrange everything. Well, almost everything...I still can see my clipboard. Right now it has two Siamese cats laying in the middle of it, but that's OK cause I can't make any notes on it anyway without my pen.

I thought that with two cats right in the middle of the desk, some of the dust would be removed. I was wrong. How can something as big and furry as two cats roll all over the desk without removing any dust? Another mystery to be stored away and solved at a later time.

I have all but given up on trying to keep anything in a place where I can find it. Now if I am looking for something that's missing, including my glasses, I just start by looking on the floor. Now days it's important to look on the floor before taking any steps first thing in the morning. You just never know what is going to be there...

I guess that as long as they leave my coffee and my chocolate alone...I'll be fine. Lucky for me, they don't seem to like either. What they do have lately is a sudden interest in the screen of my PC. Walking on the keyboard is another activity that's starting to become popular.

However, I have a secret weapon of sorts. It comes in the form of a Water Bottle with a squirt top on it. The one thing that the cats don't like is to be shot with a short burst of water from the water bottle. I don't even have to squirt it anymore, but just to reach for it.

So now it's safe to go outside to the patio, armed with my squirt bottle and a fresh cup of coffee. I can sit out here until I figure out how to go about finding my desk again...want to join me? Oh, and bring your own Water Bottle...OK?


  1. Hey Jim,
    I prefer a squirt gun, but that's just me, lol
    And you don't wanna step in what I stepped in yesterday! ewww!
    See ya later,
    blondie :))

  2. Hey Blondie...I read about your mis-step yesterday. Nothing as nasty as something squishing between the toes that's not supposed to be there.

    And BTW...squirt guns are allowed! Come on over!

    See ya later...

  3. Hey Jim,
    Think all the interest in the PC and treading on the key board is in any way connected to looking for a mouse?


  4. Hey Danish...thanks for the visit. I think your right! Like a dog chasing a car though...makes you wonder what they would do with it when they caught it...

    Thanks again for coming by! Good to see ya!

  5. After folloing the escapades of your roomies, I can't decide whether or not I want to get me a kitten. I suppose it would break up the monotony, though.

  6. Hey thing you can be sure of.With a kitten, things are interesting to say the least. With two kittens, it's double the fun!

    I think these two have passed from the kitten stage and have moved into the Cat if their energy level would drop a bit, all would be well. Of course, they probably think that all is well already!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I prefer a spray bottle but could never bring myself to actually squirt my ragdoll "Tinkerbell".

    I got my desk cleared off today and she is not happy about it. Maybe she will forgive me tomorrow.

  8. What I want to know is - are you braggin' or complaining about those little guys?? Not all kittens know how to work that kind of keyboards, now do they?
    they have sure learned a lot in a short amount of time, now haven't they? must have a good teacher - right? Amy seems to be dealing with her treatment o.k. Try to sleep well - Love ya' Mom

  9. Hey Mom...thanks for the visit. I'm not responsible for their attempt to learn to type, although I don't think their typing could be any worse than mine...just a little harder to read!

    You have a good evening and sleep well!

  10. Hmmm the amount of interest these animals are having in PC's makes me rather curious. My budgies ... your cats .. next Blondies raccoons and Lou will be in on the fight for our computer time (starts to panic AAAAHHHH!)... where would be if that happened???
    .............. dang! Their laps are all even too small for us to sit on , hopefully they at least remember we DID feed them ;-)

  11. Hey Missi...thanks for stopping by. I wonder if maybe we should buy them their own PC now and hope that they would leave ours alone.

    Maybe when they take over, they will feed us as well as we feed them now. I hope so...

    Thanks again...

  12. Somehow I think they love us far too much to leave us alone for too long...

  13. Somehow I think they love us far too much to leave us alone for too long...

  14. Cute topic today. My cat loves to sit on my desk in between th keyboard and the monitor. And I have to admit I don't mind his presence. He is gettingto be a senior cat though - a long hair siamese and when he looks at me with his blue eyes I just melt.

    Will - I also really like rag dolls - Do you have a picture ?
