Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Here's What I Know...

This hurricane is proving hard to track for everyone. Now Ike has turned more westernly and is headed to the lower or central Texas coast. This could change at any time depending on the weather conditions coming down from the North. In this case...change is not good. It makes it hard to plan for something when you don't know for sure what you are planning for!

I don't have a lot to say about this storm yet. I will continue to watch the weather channel and keep an update posted here as I can find it. Until the weekend, it looks like we can continue with business as usual. Or try to, at least I'll come back with a more complete update later...

Until I get back, you know where the coffee is. So help yourself, be comfortable, and have a cookie...OK? OK!!


  1. MMMMM nothing like follwing the smell of coffee in the morning.

    Heres hoping the hurricane decides to cease soon and give everyone a rest from destruction and concern.

    Until later my buddy. Take care.

  2. Well you know I'm keeping an eye on you Jim :)
    I turn on the weather channel every morning, first thing.

    And of course enjoy my first cup of coffee with ya.

    Hoping (of course) that hurricane will go elsewhere or die out. Die out is the better option huh?

    I'll keep checking.
    Stay safe Hon :)
    blondie :))

  3. Hey Missi...thanks for dropping by. I hope you're right about this crazy weather giving us all a rest. We will see soon...

    Hey Blondie...good to see yua, I hope that this system dies out but have a feeling it's heading this way!

    Thanks Ladies, for the visit...

  4. Hey Jim...it seems like 2008 is going for a record regarding hurricanes:o( I'll keep my mind power on defusing the hurricanes as much as possible. So far the collective good thoughts have been working quite well, so you better stay positive and as always be safe.

    Take care,
