Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Don't Like Bad Surprises...!!

Here is what I'm talking about! Today I'm working on my laptop, chatting with a special friend when all of the sudden the cable came back on!! Along with it came the Internet...so that's the good news.

I went around my house disconnecting the rabbit ears from my TV and hooking the cable up again, then went to my Mother's house and did the same thing for her! ( She really misses her cable!)

Everything being like it is, I decided not to put the laptop away until I made sure that everything was going to stay on...4 hours later it seemed that all was well, so I disconnected my broadband card, put my laptop into it's case, and started getting used to my regular PC again, the one with the grown-up keyboard!

Suddenly, the cable goes out, I lose the Internet again right in the middle of a post, and I have to start digging everything out all over! Then, first thing in the morning, I have to go to Mom's and try and explain to her why the rabbit ears are being put back on and her cable is MIA again...

But things could be a lot worse. I'm blessed with my health, my family, and my home! I am trying to stay positive about things...like the fact that I have a back-up system in place for just such an event as this! I don't like the inconvenience, but I am better off than so many, and I need to remember that!

Now, speaking of positive things I still have my power and that means fresh coffee for everyone! So let's have a cup, sit on the patio and think some positive thoughts together...OK?


  1. Awww Man!!! I hate when that happens. I certainly can understand...I had all my stuff hooked back up after the crash I had at the beginning of the month, and the network would not connect. My computer 'guy' was unavailable. Withdrawal symptoms were beginning to take over...
    I know where you're coming from, Jim. But you know, I admire where you're going, as well. We've both acknowledged how important gratitude and a positive outlook are. Good for you.

    I hope that your day only gets better and better.

    Your smilin' friend,

  2. Bubba - I have several recipes for peanut butter cake - who else loves that stuff as much as you do? I'll try to send one today on email, but today is my last day at work before vacation, so if I don't get to it, then 'long about Bug Sis' birthday I'll try again. Gotta get out of here - I understand they have lights on a cruise ship! Love -

  3. Hi Jim,

    Sorry to hear you had trouble. We lose power often around this area and it always seems to happen at the most inopportune time! But you and meltcat are so right, positive outlook and gratitude are important and who better to lead in this area than you, the most positive person!


  4. I see why you love your friends...sometimes they flatter you, huh? The recipes Ann has for p.b. cake probably came from me. Did you get the message from me when I mentioned the cook book and meatloaf? So y'all's cable is uot again? Thank goodness for laptops!

  5. Hey Cat...funny how we get so attached to this thing called the net, huh? I use it more than my phone...and it certainly is more fun!

    Hey Sis...in case I don't get to talk to you before you leave...I hope you have a great trip! As far as lights on the ship, seems like I heard that somewhere also...

    Hey Lydia...thanks for the support this morning. It's kinda petty, I know, gripping about something like cable being out when so many are still without power.

    I should just count my blessings and be quiet, huh? Thanks for the visit...

    Hey "B"...yeah, my friends are the greatest! This is good practise for when I move to the desert, I'm thinking! Didn't get the message about the meatloaf yet, but it may be coming...enjoy your visit with Donna and tell here "Hey" from the Hermit!

    Thanks again , Ladies! I really mean that!!


  6. Hermitjim - I love my comp,the net & net friends - but can you imagine I am waiting on the regular mail. Expecting something important coming from Texas USA - which I asked to have FedEx 'd here - which didn't get done..so add another week onto the mail.
    I do have a gripe about that. !!
    On a postive note - the mail's motto is "rain or shine the mail must go through!". Today no rain and the sun is shining but still chillier than igloos !!
    Had my pb fix already .... might need another soon.
    Have a fun day all.

  7. Hey Myrna...thanks for dropping by. The Monday after the storm came through, our mail came to the house. Pretty good...

    Already had a pb sandwich today, but one a day just doesn't cut it!

    See ya...

  8. ok ok I'm late.
    But you know I was here earlier.

    Love the Picture!

    There are times when I feel like doing what that kitty is doing!

    hehehe (wink)
    Cya later

  9. Hey Blondie...I think I know what you mean...don't we all!

    The picture is pretty kewl, isn't it! I have some more that I should share...maybe I will someday!

    Thanks for dropping by...
