Thursday, October 30, 2008

No Major Post Today...

Sorry guys and gals...I'm not feeling well today. Actually, I have been under the weather for a couple of days now but today it seems to be worse. So I'm taking the day off, so to speak. I have put a little cat video on today for those that are interested. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope to be back on track tomorrow, OK? OK...


  1. Sorry to hear you're notfeeling well, Bubba, but sure enjoyed your kitties this am. Mine has been talking to me a lot more since his sojourn at your house - did you have long disertational discussions while I was gone? I may end up getting him a conversational companion, but that's some time off, I think. Love ya -

  2. Hey Sis...thanks for stopping by. I think your kitty just missed having someone to carry on a intellegent conversation with while he was here, so is trying to make up for lost time now that he is back home.

    Sometimes one is plenty and two is WAY too many, if you know what I mean. My two eat like three and feel like four when the get on my bed at night, but I still wouldn't trade them for anything.

    Take care, Sis...

  3. Hey Friend,
    You go curl up with those roomies and get to feelin' better.

    See ya tomorrow,


  4. Hey Cat...thanks for stopping by and I'll see ya later maybe at TE.

    You take care, ok?

  5. Hey Jim,
    Sorry to hear you're not feeling well :(
    I woke up with itchy bumps on me today. Not sure what that's all about.
    You take care sweetie and gimme a holler if you need anything.
    I'll be right here :)

  6. Hey Blondie...thanks for stopping by. The itchy bumps sound a lot like flea bites which are bad here this time of year.

    For sure it's hot soup and cracker time for me...

    Thanks for the visit...

  7. No good to hear. I have bought a fresh pot of coffee for you to enjoy with some warm muffins while your snuggled up with your roomies.

    Oh and heres some milk and a couple of balls of wool for the kitties to play with while your resting.

    Get well soon mate. Catchya soon.

  8. Hey Missi...glad to have friends watching out for me. I appreciate the coffee and muffins, and I'm sure that the roomies will enjoy the milk and wool balls to play with. If I can only keep them from eating them, of course. They want to eat everything in sight now days...

    Thanks for the visit and good luck on the housing hunt!

  9. Hi Jim,

    So sorry you're not well.

    Thanks for the cat movie, it was great with so many laughs! They certainly need 9 lives, don't they? My daughter is allergic, otherwise we would love to have one or two also.

    Feel better!


  10. Hey Lydia...thanks for dropping by and for the good wishes. Cats are not only good company, but can offer a lot of entertainment as well. Sorry that your daughter is allergic...a kitty would make a great pet.

  11. Hi Jim... i just now read your blog. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling good. If i was anywhere near you i could make you my homemade chickensoup to help you get better. But i am not so i will just send you a big boost of healing energy over there, so you will feel better in no time.

    Take care,

  12. Hey Manu...I sure would appreciate the chicken soup and I also appreciate the big boost of healing energy sent my way. Can't ever have too much, I say!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  13. You got it the way i just watched the kitties, so adorable. You should watch this several times and other funny things to laugh a lot, laughter is a powerful healing tool... but you know that;o)
