Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just A Couple Of Thoughts Today...

Yesterday on Monday, I went for my monthly visit to the V.A. hospital for a blood test. On the way back, I was struck by just how sneaky the government can be at times, in a good way! For instance, the blood test is just one of the things taking place when you visit the V.A. I'll show you what I mean...

Now being a hospital who's main objective is to watch over and help improve the health of so many veterans, the hospital has somehow managed to combine several activities that are, believe it or not, good for us. First of all, the hospital itself is a very large structure, as you can imagine. Because it is so large and treats so many folks, it has a large parking lot. A VERY LARGE parking lot!! It's free to park, but the average distance that I have to park away from the hospital is about 1/4th a mile. Then going back to the car, figure the same distance. Once inside the doors, the distance to the lab is about half that. Then from the lab to the door again when leaving added to that means about 1/4th mile inside the place. So in the very act of parking, walking to the lab and back and PRESTO...instant walking workout! Pretty slick, huh?

Next comes the mental exercise to help keep the old grey matter in tune by asking us some tricky questions to test our memory banks. Questions like " What's your full name?" and "What's the last 4 digits of your social security number?" These may not seem so difficult to some, but to someone like me (who has trouble remembering what day of the week it is) this can be a very exhausting test. But it's not over...because afterwards you get to go out to the mega parking lot and try and remember what row you parked your car on. Maybe they should put the mileage on the parking row signs, you know, like they do on the highway with the mileage marker signs? Don't know if that would help or not, but I figure it couldn't hurt!

So providing you remember all the required information, pass all the mental test and find your car, and manage to navigate the maze of freeways that lead you back home...you've had a pretty good workout! All because the government is doing what they can to help you take care of yourself and get your exercise, even if you don't realise it at the time. All I can say is "God Bless the V.A.!!"

Now if you don't mind, I'd like to suggest that we have a quick cup of coffee...followed by a nice long nap! Don't know why I'm so tired when I get back from the V.A., do you?


  1. Have you seen the commercials for the digital recording-thing-a-ma-jig, where you speak into your hand and presto!...you have a recording of your parked car's location? That might be a good thing to have, but I'd probably lose it somewhere in the vast, seemingly bottomless container I call my purse!...lol

    Glad to hear that you keep up with the checkups, friend...we want to keep you around for a long, long time...

    Don't forget to VOTE!


  2. Good morning Jim!

    This post was funny! Reminds me of parking at Walmart.

    Thanks for the smile on my face. :)

    Hmm I'll have to look into those recording things meltcat is talking about, for...just about everything I do.


  3. Hey CAT...I've seen those memo recording devices before, but I think I would probably lose mine. Maybe I would just forget where I put it...

    Thanks for stopping by, Cat.

    Hey LYDIA...I appreciate you dropping by. Glad you got a little humor out of today's post.

    The small recording devices are good for some, but the last thing I need around here is something else that uses batteries, if you know what I mean...

    See ya later!

  4. To remember where one has parked the car can be a funny thing.I always try to memorize it a while and get a mark to recognize which will be easy to remember.
    Then the memory depends on how funny it was to shop if that was the place for the day:)

  5. Hey MATTIAS...thanks for stopping by. I actually park in just about the same spot every time I go, so it usually isn't hard to find my truck. I used that example only for the humor in it.

    This last trip I used someone else's vehicle, and I will admit to being totally lost for a moment when I got to my regular parking area and didn't see my truck. Took a minute to remember what vehicle I was in. Now THAT was a little spooky...

    Thanks again!

  6. Cute post today and cute comments too.
    Just wanted to let you know I was here and having a coffee with ya :)
    Later :))
