Friday, November 14, 2008

The Less Crowded Group...

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.
Mark Twain

Which group would you say that you belong to? Are you one of these folks that continuously talk about doing something, yet never take action? Do you constantly wish out loud that you had joined some group, or made some move, or taken some risk, or made some statement, or stated your opinion , or at the very least tried to educate someone in what you believe to be very very important?

Or on the other hand, are you one of those quiet individuals that decide on a course of action and
just take it? Are you one of the few that look at a situation or opportunity that's a little unpopular, and decide that the possibilities of being the right thing to do is worth the risk? Are you someone that would rather try something new and fail than spend the rest of your life wishing you had taken the first step?

How about telling your friends about a wonderful opportunity? Would you hold back just in case the opportunity flops, or would you share it just on the off chance that it's a raging success? Who knows...? You do, that's who!

Your choice, folks. Time to take action, time to decide where you are going or if you are going anywhere at all, time to decide if you are going to share your thoughts about the world and it's present state or just plod along letting all the action and all the talking and all the sharing and the experiencing be done by someone else!

I say if you have a message, preach it. If you have an opinion, share it. If you have a vision, go for it. If you have an objection, shout it. If you have a belief, stand by it. If you really love your friends, look out for them. If you really want to hear the truth, then listen. If you want to find something better, seek it. If you finally find the knowledge you have been seeking, please use it!

Anyway, that's my just my opinion. Now...let's have a fresh cup of coffee, OK?


  1. Hey Jim,

    My experience in life is that you will find very few takers on your offer.

    People prefer to keep quiet or anonymous so they can be popular with everyone. I tend to speak up and say how I feel and as a result have befriended very few people online. This is because ego's get hurt, feelings bruised and beliefs challenged. People don't like that.

    Following the herd is so much easier.

    Most people wont take action or make a choice until the 12th hour. But I guess that's their place in life, right?

    Well hey! It's Friday, have a great weekend!


  2. Bubba,
    In playing catch-up this a.m., I just viewed yesterday's video...sent chills up and down my arms. It was , in my opinion , a beautiful show. Thanks so much for finding things like this for all of us to enjoy!
    You are , as usual , right on with today's message. I know I am a side-sitter much too often but I am trying to be more true to myself. Thanks for helping to give me the courage.
    Love you bunches!!

  3. Hey Lydia...I played the game for a long time of trying to please all of the people by keeping quiet, but at this stage of my life I find it more important to say what I feel and damn the consiquences. It's more important to me to have a clear consience than it is to worry about what folks think.

    Besides, my true friends accept me just the way I am...

    Thanks for stopping by...

  4. Hey Sis...glad you came by this morning. I'm happy that you enjoyed the posts and could get some enjoyment from it/them. That's the whole point in being here.

    Jim and I are having some good discussions...many of which you and I have had before...

    Love ya, Sis

  5. Hey JS...thanks for stopping by. I guess , John, that some of us get it and some don't!

    What can you do?

  6. Far too true .... why sit in the back seat all the time .. its good to take some risks in life, take on a challenge or two, do what you like, change or avoid what you dont and choose to make a path to enjoy. Nothing is really impossible unless you choose for it to be. Always be true to you.

  7. Hey Mi...sure glad you could drop by.It's true...we must believe in ourselves and most of all, our dreams. If you believe it, you can achieve it.

    Thanks again for stopping by...
