Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Preview Of Things To Come...

Are you ready...?

I am just going to remind you of where I'm going as soon as I can. Those that want can join me. I doubt if any will, and that's alright. We all have to follow our own paths and travel our own road. I would urge you to not wait too long to get started, though.

This may not be the type of get-away you're looking for, but it's cheap and most folks don't want to live there. I say Great! I don't really want neighbors anyway, unless they are like minded folks.

I don't mind the clean air, the open spaces, the lack of asphalt, the absents of crowds, the long distance to the store, the missing streetlamps, the company of animals instead of people, the brightness of the moon and stars at night, the fact that I can sleep with my windows open and my door unlocked, the fact that my dog (when I get one) can roam free with nothing to bark at except an occasional rabbit, the knowledge that no one is going to show up at my front door unexpected, the fact that I can see anyone approaching for at least 3 miles, and most of all the fact that the land is paid for and I owe no one anything!

This is NOT what the Yuppie types call a livestyle...but it's what country folks call common sense living! And if this ain't country, it'll do till country gets here. But that's just my opinion, for what it's worth! about some fresh coffee, my friend?


  1. As usual, enjoyed this morning's message (especially since I may be right there with you). Song...?
    New recipe for peanut butter bread to follow.
    Love ya.

  2. hey Sis...thanks for coming by. I'm ready for a new peanut butter recipe, so send it on! Better yet, just bring it!!

    Lovw ya Sis...

  3. Hey Pickdog...I appreciate you dropping by. Just my thoughts of what a little bit of heaven is, and I can't wait to get there!

    Don't be a stranger...!

  4. First few pictures look like my property in New Mexico.

  5. Um, Jim? Am I the only guy that sees your pics as fuzzy? Or do I need new glaces? I don't think so. So why don't you post some clear pics for us? And how is that temperature? Boiling most of the time or what? That is what I recall of Texas the last two or so times I was there.

    Let me know.


  6. Hey JS...I don't know why the pictures came out fuzzy but I think it must be due to OneTrueMedia as they are clear in my PC file. I'll have to try a different presentation soon.

    Thanks for the visit...

  7. Hi Jim,
    Looks nice from what I can make out, Having trouble here too with it being blurry.


  8. That looks really nice Jim.
    Reminds me of looking out my own back door and seeing the farm, the open space, and The Rocky Mountains. Plus I always try to forget about the houses next door to me, lol
    Would be a lot nicer without those neighbors, you know?
    Sounds like a great plan you've got there friend!
    Maybe I'm a bit jealous :)
    Later :))

  9. Hey Blondie...thanks for coming by. Like I said...those that want can come wirh me, especially pretty Blonde ladies!

    Good to see ya ...
