Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time To Shift Gears...!

Sometimes we have to make some changes, so today I am switching gears a little. Instead of the usual cartoons and such, I hunted down a song by what I consider to be one of the most pleasant voices in the history of country music. Even if you don't like country music, you have to love a voice like Don Williams.

The reason I like this song is not only because of the way Mr. Williams sings, but because of the message contained in the song itself. Good songs, the most memorable ones, always are remembered as much for the message as the music. They stir up old memories, sometimes sad and sometimes not. They bring alive old emotions thought long dead. They can move us slowly down pathways in our minds we haven't traveled in a long time, allowing us to pause long enough this trip to stop and smell the flowers we missed the first time.

Anyway, I like it. I like Don Williams, I like Sundays, I like rainy days and I like music. So grab a cup of coffee, kick back a bit, and enjoy the music and the day, OK? OK!!


  1. Morning Jim,

    Looks like I'm the first one here this morning, standing at your front door with an empty coffee cup in hand and a needy look in my eye, lol

    Have a wonderful day and thanks for the music!
    blondie :))

  2. I,too,like Sundays,rainy days and music. I also like Don Williams and he looks soooooo much like you! I wonder if that is one reason I like you so much? Naaaah! Sorry I missed your call yesterday. Maybe we can catch up with each other today. Love!

  3. Morning Jim,

    Thanks for the soothing morning start. Not a big fan of country, but this was nice and I liked it. I thought that he looks like you also!

    Have a good Sunday!

  4. Hey Blondie...sorry to keep you waiting for the coffee. I guess in a small way, music is sort of like huggs, all good but some better than others, ya know?

    Hey Sis...You think we look alike? Must be the grey in the beard.If I could sing like Don Williams, I'd have it made. I'll call ya later, Sis.

    Hey Lydia...sure am glad you like the music this morning. Always nice to know when I can help get someone's day off to a good start.

    Thanks, Ladies, for dropping by this morning. I really appreciate it.

  5. Jim, I'm back.
    Had to load the song.
    Good Song .. I remember it!
    And yes, I see the resemblance like your Sis mentioned.
    Quite a handsome man, hehe
    Later :))

  6. Ahhhh, the "Gentle Giant". I love Don Williams... Thanks for the song, and I swapped linkage with ya.

  7. Hey Mayberry...we appreciate your visit. I have really found your blog to be a good read ever since I found it. Thanks for the link swap.

    Soon I'll be more in your part of the country as I will be moving to the Terlingua Ranch area where I bought 5 more acres. Nothing there but that's the way I wanted it. No neighbors, no crowds, no gangs... just peace and quiet.

    Drop by again!

  8. Hey Blondie...I wasn't ignoring ya, but I thought I had already said that I am glad you got to see the video. I feel very honored to get 2 visits from you in one day!!

    Thanks, pretty lady!!

  9. Hey Jim,
    Just now making the rounds, and man, oh, man! You have truly made my day with this one...Don Williams. And one of my favorites of his, to boot.

    Thank you!

