Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby Sis's Birthday...!!

Yep! Today is my baby sis's birthday...

I don't think I'm supposed to tell how old she is, but I'll just say she is younger than I am. Come to think of it...dirt is younger than I am!

Anyway, I want to wish her a very happy birthday today!

Now...I want to share with you another recipe from the 1936 cookbook I've been reading. These recipes are from a time when folks made do with what they had, and very little got wasted. Most of these came from country folks, just doing the best they could.

I haven't tried this recipe, but as you know, I like peanut butter so I may give it a shot. Who knows? In a worse case scenario, it could come in handy!

Creme of Peanut Soup
Mix together 2 tablespoons peanut butter and 2 tablespoons flour.
When throughly mixed, add 1 quart of milk and heat in double broiler.
Season with salt and pepper. Beat with a Dover (?) egg beater before serving.

Now, like I said I haven't tried this...so I'm not responsible for any internal injury you may suffer while eating this soup! Also, if you get a bad case of gas...please step outside before taking steps to get rid of it, if you know what I mean...

Now how about a fresh cup of coffee to go with that soup, my friend?


  1. Hmmmm, interesting... very interesting. May just have to give it a go!

  2. Thanks, Bubba! Nice of you to remember, and a great start to my day. And throw in the peanut butter, and well, I just don't know if it can get any better than this!! Looking forward with great anticipation, and feeling pretty good for my age.....

  3. Good morning Jim,

    Happy Birthday Baby Sis!!

    Pass on the creamy peanut butter soup...BUT thanks for the coffee!

    Have a great day Jim!

  4. Happy birthday Sis. Hermit, I dunno 'bout that one..... I think I'll have to "pass", nyuck nyuck nyuck....

  5. Hey Jim,

    Wish your sister a happy B-day for me. Tell her B-days aren't all that bad. They only come once a year...unlike...hehehe.

    I saw the question mark after Dover Egg Beater. You remember the egg beater that your mom or grandmom had? The one with the crank on the side and two whisks that would turn opposite of each other....wasn't sure if you were asking what it was. Just being helpful.

  6. Hey FG...you're a brave man! It really doesn't sound that bad. After all, it has peanut butter and butter and milk, so how bad can it be? Wait...don't answer that!

    thanks for dropping by!

  7. Hey Sis...many Happy Returns!!!
    Funny, you don't look any older! Boy, time sure does fly, doesn't it? Seems like just yesterday that we were running around as kids...and now here we are, Adults! Still running around like kids some time, but adults!

    Sis, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Love ya...

  8. Hey Lydia...I sure thank you for coming by! Sure you don't want to try the soup? Well, OK...

    Coffee is on me, and no peanuts I promise!

  9. Hey Mayberry...no guts, huh? Now how am I supposed to know how it taste if you don't try it and let me know? Actually, it does sound a little suspect, doesn't it?

    Hey, thanks for stopping by, my friend!

    Hey Catman...I think my Mom still has one of those egg beaters, but I never knew that's what they were called! Thanks for the information!

    I'll pass on to Baby Sis the good wishes...she'll appreciate them I'm sure!

    Thanks for coming by, my man!

  10. Hermit,
    i can see one, or the other: coffee AND soup togetherand we may as well eat outside... save all the flatulence-expulsion walking to & fro

    (actually, doesn't sound too bad; i'd never have put a spoon of peanut butter in a beef-flavored ramen soup as per someone's suggestion--- until i had pnut butter on my soupspoon and was too lazy to get up and grab a napkin to "cure" the issue. Turns out, it's pretty darn good! Hope Mayberry lets us know...ha!


  11. Hey Cygnus...eatin' outside is good! Especially on days like this when the sun is shining for a change!

    Thanks for dropping by!

  12. Somehow I just can't think of peanut butter and soup together. . . Maybe if things get desperate enough - but then - where would we get any peanut butter??

  13. Oil & flour added to milk and heated sounds like a thin gravy to me. Maybe it would taste good on a biscuit or a pancake - like the chocolate gravy I hear about.

    So all these preppers getting ready to face teotwawki and no one is brave enough to give it a try. lol (ducking for cover now!)

  14. Hey Stephanie...I represent that remark! Now I'm gonna have to make it just cause you said that!

    Oh, BTW...I like chocolate gravy...even did post about it last year! Good stuff, Maynard!

    Thanks for stopping in...

  15. Well you noticed I never volunteered to try it. lol

  16. Now that you mention it...I did notice that!

    Don't worry...I'll post the results when I make it and taste it.

    See what a nice guy I am?

  17. Maybe it's the beginnings of one of those curry indian recipes that uses a peanut sauce????? I got a laugh out of all the comments,but I think I'll wait to hear some feedback on that one before making it. Something tells me the peanut obsession here might be close the the ketchup obsession of the people I grew up with. Good luck on your cooking!

  18. Hey, peanutbutter man!

    Hmmmm...soup? Very interesting, indeed...I, like the others, will await your critique before I consider it for myself.

    Happy Birthday to your Baby Sis! It is my husband's sister's birthday, too.

    Take care my friend,


  19. Hey HSJacobus...your visit is greatly appreciated! Funny how a subject can draw such an interesting conversation, huh?

    Living in an area that was rich in peanuts as a cash crop back in the '30s might have been the reason for this recipe. The original was written by a county demo. agent.

    We'll see how it goes...

  20. Hey Cat...my smiling friend! So good to see you again! I figured, being the adventurous sort that you are, you would jump right on this !

    Stay tuned to this channel for further details on the taste!

    Keep smiling!
