Monday, January 19, 2009

Say What...???

When I read this little bit of news in the report from MSNBC, I was amazed!

Is it just me, or does anyone else find this statement to be so ridiculous that is almost funny! While people world-wide are celebrating the exit of George W. from the House on the Hill...he has the audacity to make a statement like this!

AP wire service...

WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush said Friday that while the current economic crisis has sent shock waves around the world, he believes steps taken by his administration have "laid the groundwork for a return to economic growth and job creation" early in the administration of President-elect Barack Obama

Now can someone explain to me how the present PTB have laid the groundwork for anything positive, when the present unemployment rate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 6.2% and may hit 10% by the end of the year?

I know that I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, but I just don't understand. I really don't! I welcome any comments about the groundwork started by the present administration to help anyone but the rich types like bankers and auto manufacturers. Tell me of any future plans that would help the average working man to keep his job. Tell me why he thinks any plan he and his crew has come up with could do anything but rub salt in the wound.

I truly hope this man and all his cronies just slink away and stay hidden...and please, PLEASE don't help us any more! What's left of our economy can't stand your kind of "help" any longer!!

Sorry, but that's just my opinion! Now...while I calm down, why don't we enjoy a fresh cup of coffee? Who knows? Soon we may not be able to afford it!


  1. Ok, I am not sure about how the present administration has laid any groundwork for any job creation or economic growth. However, it seems that in your post you are blaming the current administration for the current economic problems and that isn't fair.

    Now, don't get me wrong, the current administration was very fiscally irresponsible because they said "yes" to any spending bill. However, the tax cuts implemented at the beginning of the administration did bring us prosperity.

    The major problem that we are facing now, this "housing crisis" can be directly traced back much much farther than this administration. If you look it up, you can find that Fannie and Freddie were both aware of paying for poor loans on a secondary market. This has been going on since 1968 when Fannie and Freddie were made government entities.

    So be fair while you want to bash the current administration for the issues today, remember, the president is only one arm. Think about who we have in the larger body.

    And IMO I'm much more worried about the upcoming administration making the same foul-ups FDR made extending the current issues for many more years than the free market would take to fix it. And don't doubt, the Great Depression would have been a 1-3 year depression as it was in the rest of the world, rather than the 10 year ordeal it was.

    Sorry for the rant. Hope I didn't offend.

    Thanks for the post, Hermit.

  2. HA! He laid the groundwork for the road to our ruin! Now Obammy will pave it. At great expense....

  3. As much as I would also love to blame the current administration (and there is PLENTY to blame them for) FarmerGeek is right, the financial crisis began in the 60's and escalated. The housing crisis is pure greed by the lenders. However, the current administration is to blame because they have been purely irresponsible! Rather than fixing a downward spiral they have helped to escalate it! Just look at our current debt!

    Rant here too, when actually it could have been said in one sentence, as Mayberry has.

    Absolutely right. Well, lets hope for the best and be ready for the worst.

    Sorry at this rant too! And Obama? I doubt any one person can fix this mess we're in, but we'll see what happens.

    Jim, Have you seen the FDA warning about Peanut Butter?? Don't eat anything made of peanuts!


  4. Hey FG...good of you to drop by this mornin. I appeciate your comments and I take no offence at the statements you made. I'm certainly not making the President as an individual, responsible for all the troubles of today. However, I feel that certainly he and his cabinet have NOT taken any steps that I can see to help the improve any. What I took exception to was the statement that hi administration had laid the groundwork for improvement! That I do NOT see.

    I appreciate your comments and agree that this all started a long time ago, but was largely overlooked by those in power. False security is NO security, and we as people have to take ownership for some of the mess.

    Thanks for coming by this mornng!

  5. Hey Mayberry...glad you came by today! Let's hope that teh new president can somehow get the right people together to help turn the economy around a bit. A president is only as good as the people surrounding him, and I hope that he listens to some smart folks.

    As for me, I'm keeping my own counsil and getting out of Dodge as soon as I can. Sorry, but I have no more faith in the system cleaning it's own house!

  6. Hey Lydia...good to see ya this morning! I agree that one person cannot fix things by himself, and I hope that the new president at least takes us in a new direction!

    Correct again that greed is one of the factors leading to the present mess. Unbridled spending by the government, local, state, or federal will always lead to trouble. As working class folks most of us know, you cannot spend what you don't have! I'm definitly NOT the one with answers, but everyday I seem to have more and more questions!

    And now, when I need it the most...peanut butter is under attack! Glad I had the forsight to stock up on a little!

    Thanks for coming by!

  7. Hey TOR...good to see ya this morning, my friend! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. maybe the groundwork laid is our nearly inextricable involvement in combatting an idea(that being whoever has oil owes it to us),,and somehow(obamally), our manufacturing base may be revived to provide necessities for said combatants....think of all the factories once again employing housewives and young children, sacrificing good nutrition and REAL education, to perpetuate the destruction of another generation of young americans in "defense" of our nation(s right to cheap and abundant fuel)....makes me warm and fuzzy at the thought of not only my son and daughter, but all the kids of the common folk back at what we've been doing best for decades, if not longer,,,i could(hopefully) be wrong tho...but controlling my thoughts is something i can't do yet..least til it's the LAW.should be a law,,if you or family profit from confrontation, then YOUR kids are in the front many wars ya think we have then?,,and YES, i LOVE MY COUNTRY,,i despise it's owners...YMMV

  9. Hey Erik...thanks for coming by! It does seem like mostly it's the common man and his kind that bear the brunt of bad decisions. I love this country and I have nothing but the highest respect for all the military personnel that are placed in harms way for our protection. I am saddened, of course, by the fact that so many of the fine young men and women serving are fighting in places where we shouldn't be.

    Like you say, those that profit from confrontation should be willing to share the fight.

    More questions that will never be answered!

  10. Jim,

    These people are only interested in satisfying their ego.

    Very few of the people to ever have held public office have any positive legacy.

    If by some miracle, the world manages to avoid plunging off into the abyss, or even after a comparatively small disruption, Bush will claim that it was the policies that he implemented that were instrumental in giving Obama and his administration the tools necessary to manage the event.

    Hubris. Vanity. Cupidity. These are the qualifications for President these days. Small wonder why Ron Paul never got any traction.

  11. Hey Catman...100% on the money, my friend! It seems that these outgoing politicos never want to accept any blame...but are quick to claim any credit for things going right after they leave!

    Folks like Ron Paul will never stand a chance. That's a real shame, it really is! It would make too much sense!

  12. so,,,still waiting on the coffee,,straight up please, with honey on the side

  13. Hey Erik...fresh coffee coming up...honey on the side! And I baked a fresh loaf of wheat bread last I'll bring ya a slice of that as well!

    Makes your tongue reach up and slap your brains out!

  14. "What I took exception to was the statement that hi administration had laid the groundwork for improvement! That I do NOT see."

    It really is quite simple. If one possesses the view that things can't possibly get worse, why then yes, indeed bush laid the groundwork for improvement.

  15. That's very true...but I think that most of us agree that things can and will get worse before they start to get better!

    Just my opinion...

  16. It's going to take a lot of work and a long time to fix the issues the mess that is now on our hand. Bush can claim responsibility all he wants but he did nothing to the problem besides make it worse by ignoring it.

  17. Right on, Kookster! Right on...

    Thanks for dropping by!

  18. Thanks for the information about the pending good things to come. That knowledge will help cheer me up tomorrow morning, when I go try to find an unemployment office that hasn't been shut down. It's good to know that all this time W was really on my side and just pretending to hate me and everyone I love and everything I stand for. It must be part of his hidden strategery.


  19. Hey uncle-- a quick update before I read your post: go to Scroll down to the next-to-last (or so) post; the interruption of your roadrunner cartoon... now I know where I saw the imposed title! Still don't know HOW, but... tying up what loose ends I can...


  20. And as it goes, I ain't the sharpest marble in the piepan, but seems we're gonna ( or They-- the sheeple, are going to) welcome the day the Unemployment stood at 10%...
    As for me, Give me heirlooms in the Ozarks or give me.. um.. A Gun! teah, That's the ticket!


  22. "laid the groundwork".. That's washington spin for, "it can't get any worse,can it?". I for one,can't wait to see W gone. He's given the country away to the cheapest bidder every time he could. And I'm sure that Cheney blew his back out trying to carry out his man size safe, or closing the gate's to hell! GOOD RIDDANCE!

  23. Hey Mom...thanks for stopping by.

    Hey is definitely time for a change. I wish the new Prez all the best...
