Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Morning Cartoons Are Back...!

I was getting a little burned out on all the bad things going on in the world...and thought I would start the day with some old memories.

There will be plenty of time later in the day for soaking up the steady stream of bad news, sad news, and all the "we've been had!" news. Lord knows there is enough of that to fill each day!

Once in a while, we should just sit back, take a deep breathe, and enjoy a couple of minutes of silliness...ya know?

So, in keeping with my efforts to spread a little happiness, I give you the old classic "Tom and Jerry" Saturday morning cartoons! Enjoy!

Now, wasn't that fun? Let's all have another cup of fresh coffee before we venture out into the hard, cold World again...OK, my friend?


  1. Hermit Jim,
    The coffee is very good this morning. Have a great day.

  2. Coffee & Cartoons a great combination! Have a wonderfull weekend Hermit!

  3. Thanks Jim
    Just what was needed today


  4. Great times with Tom & Jerry.

  5. Hey Heather...I sure am glad you enjoyed the coffee and also glad to have you drop by today.

    Love your new camper, BTW.

    Hey Scout...thanks for stopping by for a bit of silliness this morning. Little bit of coffee can't hurt, I'm matter what you have planned for the day!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Rod...good to see ya again, my friend! How goes it?

    Yeah, siometimes we need to be reminded that we can take time to enjoy ourselves a bit...if only for a second.

    Thanks for stopping in.

    Hey MyWay...figured you would be out at the land today! Glad you could stop by for a quick visit...and share a few memories of days long gone by.

    Have a great day!

  6. Absolutely love the sound effects of that ol Tomcat...

  7. Hey Cygnus...the sound effects of Tom was the main reason I loved the old cartoons so much. Laughed as hard at them as at the cartoon itself...

  8. Tom and Gerry's one of the boys favorites! Thanks for sharing:)

  9. Just gotta love the old classics...nothing like them now days!

    Glad the boys get a kick out of them!

  10. Hey Thanks for coming by, Anon...always a pleasure to have folks drop by!

    Have a good day!
