Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This Just About Tears It...!!

I've just about had enough of this!

It used to be, when you went to the store to get a pound of coffee...that's what you got! A pound of coffee! Most of the time it was in a metal can, sometimes in a vacuum packed bag. Which ever you decided to get, it was a pound...!

Now unless they have changed things since I went to school, a pound was, and is, 16 ounces! I mean, I know I'm getting older and more forgetful, but my memory isn't that bad. You with me so far?

Not so long ago, I did a post on what folks called a coffee cup. There again, a cup means 8 ounces...look it up in the cookbook! 1 cup=8 ounces! So why, I ask, when someone brings you a cup of coffee, more times than not it's in a little, tiny cup that's 4 ounces tops? 4 ounces ain't a cup, but only half a cup. How in the name of all that's good, do you expect me to jump start my old body in the morning with 4 ounces of coffee? Can't be done!

Now, if you are going to bring me some coffee in a thimble, please just don't call it a cup.

But I digress...the cans in the store are no longer metal, but most are made from plastic. I don't mind that so much. However, they went from 16 ounces in a can, to 13 ounces in a can! That's what I hollered about last time!

They had me fooled for a while, because they still were charging me for a pound, but were only using 13 ounces of coffee. They even disguised the can by using the same logo and colors so no one would notice. But finally, I did notice! I ranted and raved, but to no avail...the price stayed the same and the amount remained at 13 ounces.

Suddenly this morning, I went to make coffee and since I bought bagged coffee last time instead of the can (now made from plastic), I decided to open the bagged coffee and pour it into the can(which really isn't a can, since it's plastic) and that's when I saw it! They got me again!! The cans (plastic still) were now only 11.3 ounces! Where the Hell is the rest of my coffee? I mean, it went from 16 ounces to 13 ounces and now...it's 11,3 ounces! And it's the same price!

I quickly looked at the bag of coffee and noticed that it was still 13 ounces. 13 ounces, and yet it cost less than the 11.3 ounces (called a pound) in a can (even though it's not a can) just because it's in a bag (which as far as I know is still called a bag).

I have to admit, the coffee marketing folks are pretty slick, knowing that so many people like me would go for a long time and never even notice the difference. But with that said, I'll simply state here and now that me and Folger's coffee have parted ways. Maybe when they can decide what they are going to sell as far as size goes, and then reduce the price accordingly, we can be friends again. Maybe!

In the meantime, would you like a fresh cup(8 ounces) of coffee? I got the grounds out of a can (made of plastic), but that's because I poured the coffee into it from the bag, which as far as I know is still called a bag...


  1. I buy the beans at Costco. It's the store brand, and it's the best coffee I've ever had. I waste $50 a year on a Costco membership just so I have access to this coffee. I live two hours from the nearest Costco, so I have to really stock up when I make the trip. Comes in bean form, which is what I want. The 'bag' has 40 ounces in it. That's still 2 and a half pounds! I think it is $8 or $9 for that bag. You get Starbucks at Costco, and it's way more expensive. I wouldn't mind that turd going under. Their coffee is no great shakes to me. Even at Sam's, or the evil empire, Walmart, bean coffee is expensive. I don't know what I'll do if I'm not able to get my re-stock at Costco. I love me some percolated, bean coffee, so I am real reluctant to go to ground coffee. For me personally, things are getting tighter. I found cans of corn, peas, and green beans at my local grocery for forty cents per fifteen ounce can. That is a good deal compared to any other price. Now Walmart does have the same exact price for their generic veggies, but I hate Walmart, so it would have to be a much better deal for me to give them my money. I do it, but I don't like it. Just like I'll buy my ammo or a rifle there-gotta be a great deal, or no dice. I probably bought a year's worth of veggies. We will use them no matter what happens, so it's a great thing. I'm hoping canned meat is on sale soon.

  2. And why does my coffee pot have a 12 cup measure on the side when Lord knows we only get 4 good mugs out of it?!?! Hmmm?
    Now go around your house and take a good look at all of your purchases...it's NOT just coffee they're fartin' with!
    Have a fantastic day, Jim! BTW: I'm ordering those mason jar/oil lamp thingies today!! Thanks so much for that info!!

  3. I had the same eye-opening surprise lately, Jim. After drinking higher-priced coffee for years (I preferred Tully's), I went back to drinking Folgers. I miss their metal cans, but the thicker lids on the plastic canisters do hold up better than the ones that came with the metal cans did.

    I was enjoying trying some of their different kinds (Classic, French, and Columbian) until I went to use them for storage. The Classic Roast canister held 33.9 ounces, but the others were smaller--27 or 28 ounce size. This messed up my storage plans, in a minor way, and affected my buying habits. When a local store had Folgers on sale for $5.99 a canister recently, I purchased several of the Classic Roast, in the 33.9-ounce size.

    One of the things interesting to me about the different-sized-canister issue is that over the holidays Folgers offered a pdf download of holiday designs in the right size to use as labels. They were specifically designed to cover the non-removable coffee labels so people could use the canisters for gifts of cookies, so the corporation acknowledges that we are re-using them. Kudos to the corporation for encouraging both "green" practices and economy, but I'm wondering how having different-sized containers will fit with that policy. Maybe their pdf label downloads will come in different sizes in the future? Or maybe they'll just drop it, and lay off whoever was in charge of it. :-(


  4. I use coffe beans and grind them.. I drink coffe only on my days off the majority of the time... I just buy 8 o'clock coffe beans nothin fancy...

  5. Downsizing is all over. Take a good look at the canned goods before buying because very few are a full 16 oz - which will mess up a recipe calling for a can of something. Tuna was my shock. Never realized it had shrunk until I got the pantry stash in one place. Went to put away the new additions and was shocked at how much difference my stacks so took a good look. The companies are banking we are looking too closely at sized and are just looking at prices. Guess its time to dust off the old price book. I discovered the coffee problem at Christmas - I like to give some of the relatives goodie baskets with coffee included. Keeping up with the price per ounce has sharpened my math skills in ways high school never did. Too much of Dh's life is spent in earning $$ to spend it carelessly.

  6. That should be *not* looking too closely at sizes

  7. I'm with Stephanie. Things are downsizing (without corresponding price decreases) all over the place. Just a sign of the times.

    I will say though, "canned" things have been 14 1/2 ounces for a long long time. At least the last (how long have I been making that white bean hummus???? ummm) 10 - 12 years I think. But correct me if you have better data.

    Me? Shame shame. I have YoungSon send me 7 lbs of (spendy) coffee beans every so often that I keep in the freezer. Nothing else is as good.

  8. Down sizing is the game-keeping price the same. Screw the public-what a shame. Greed never seems to change.

  9. Meadowlark you are right on that point I had never paid attention to the recipe/size thing until I had several old recipes fail. Beets & some other items were at 15 ounces and have moved down to 14.5. Pumpkin moved down to 15. It really pays to look because some of it does depend on the cannin company. OT but did anyone else notice the odd shaped cans for cranberry sauce? Unless it is a new industry standard I would say that oceanspray also cans for Aldi's & Walmart - even down to the upside down label.

  10. Hey Jim,

    I don't drink coffee, but my wife swills it. If she doesn't get her POT of Joe in the AM, the rest of the day is spent with the worst USMC gunny you ever met. No, her dad was the Marine. I guess it just rubbed off. (Hi honey, I know you're reading this)

    If we see another Christmas this year, buy up all the gift packs and flavored coffees(if you like them)when they're on sale after the holidays. My wife manages to get enough to last her through the year. They store well in the freezer.

  11. Hey Anon...one thing about food purchases, they will still be usable for a long time...no matter what.My coffee is one thing that I just don't want anyone screwing with! Gotta have some comfort in this old live, ya know?

    Thanks for soming by, my friend.

    Hey Cath...see, that's what I'm talking about! Everything seems to be geared toward the smaller size...less content, higher cost!
    You're right about only getting 4 mugs of coffee out of a 12 cup(?) pot.

    I'm glad to have the info on those mason jarlids for ya. Have a wonderful day!

    Hey Mossytoes...love that name! You know, the main secret now days to me, is knowing when a sale is really a sale. I mean, if you stay up with the currant prices, then you know when something is a good buy. That's where the prepper shines like a diamond.

    Just because the ad says it's a great deal, don't make it so...Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Scout...I have been thinking about switching over to whole beans, at least to try them. Always just bought ground coffee.

    I guess that coffee is like whiskey...everyone has their favorite! Many times we fall into the trap of buying certain brtands just out of habit. That's a bad thing! I'm gonna start watching myself more closely. Thanks for coming by, my man.

    Hwey Stephanie... I know exactly what you mean. The Big companies think that we will just never notice, like I did with the coffee. No telling how long it's been changed and I just noticed! Shame on me...

    You are certainly right about the money disappearing too fast when we don't watch our spending, it goes fast enough as it is!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey M/L...we all have our "hard to do without" things! I'm certainly guilty of it!And I think that's OK, as long as we know that there may come a time we have to cut down.

    We all have to have a little comfort in life, even the Old Hermit types like me! But I sure like having some one to rant about!

    Next thing ya know...they will mess with my peanut butter again, or my chocolate! Hey, thanks so much for stopping by!

  12. Hadn't noticed cranberry sauce, but picked up salsa for something I was making and the shape is all funky. Still "round" but the sides are all squeezed in so you're getting less.

    Another year of this and Husband will TOTALLY give in on the backyard chickens. I have complete faith!!! :)

  13. Hey Tony...I know that you remember the days I'm talking about in the coffe size thing! Shames that the companies only think about the bottom line and forget about their customer base.

    Hey, thanks for coming by today! Hope you caught some fish yesterday..you did go fishing, right?

    Hey Catman...I can identify with the wife on this point! I gotta have some coffee in the morning to get off on a good foot! Keeps the senses sharp and the attitude right!

    Have a great day, and thanks for coming by!

    Hey M/L...do you and Stephanie think they are messin' with us just6 cause they can? Or maybe it's cause some jackass in the corner office just wanted to have some twisted fun!

  14. Well I read that no one wanted to be the first to raise prices as that would drive consumers to other brands & by downsizing they could raise prices without raising prices kwim? But even they couldn't keep up with the rising prices so had to raise the costs of the smaller boxes so consumers who don't pay attention can get a double whammy.

    The not raising prices - my dh works for Nestle making Lean Cuisines (which we cannot afford to buy). Nestle went out on a limb and raised prices thinking that other companies would too. It backfired horribly as those other companies used the increase to build their customer base. Nestle had to back down & the others had to raise prices so draw I'd guess. When the volumes they deal with are so big a penny really adds up.

    As for the container size - mostly its a way to hide shrinking sizes. I don't know about those cranberry cans, maybe a way to get the jell out easier? But about a year ago Nestle had to redesign their boxes by about a quarter inch because Walmart was redesigning its freezers. That sliver of space meant more could be put into the freezer. If you've been in a Walmart with the silver & black freezers those are the ones. It meant changes all down the workline but when Walmart says jump its jump or get out.

    And somewhere someone is laughing & not trying to spit out their coffee while doing it.

  15. Hey Stephanie...I know what you mean about Wal-Mart...I worked for them for about 9 years as sporting goods manager. Wish I had been into prepping back then!

    They do control a lot of what their suppliers do, and I guess because of what large numbers they serve, suppliers just fall in line.

    I noticed that WalMart is laying off 600 or 700 manager level folks, even from the home office. So maybe there is a little justice in the world after all...

  16. A 'coffee cup', from dinner ware manufacturers, will hold 8 ounces if filled to the brim. Leaving space for cream, and so as not to spill getting it to your mouth, the amount of coffee will be 5 ounces.

    A mug will hold, usually, about 12 oz, so the usable amount of coffee will be 8-9oz.

    I checked on this info when my pot of 10 cups of coffee, for which I have to add 11 cups on the water measure on the side of the maker, only served 4 mugs.

    As far as less product, same price- there was a recent news article that explained that manufacturers 'had' to do this in order to survive financially and that consumers wouldn't notice. Also, some cereal makers are using boxes with the height and width are the same but the depth is less so we won't notice either.

    We all aren't stupid and to have this kind of thing foisted on us without complaint is unbearable.

  17. Hey Bellan...thanks for the info. You're right that the manufacturers are hoping to continue pulling the wool over our eyes and think that somehow we won't notice that we can't see!

    If they were forthcoming about most changes, the general public would be more open to it, but when these changes are forced upon us, like you said, that's when we get riled!

    Thanks for the visit, Bellen!

  18. Hermit man,
    You got to get out more. They've been shaving ounces and sizes since before my second ex-wife and that was a loooong time ago. Price according to ounces, not pounds will get you better.

  19. Hey Furt...wasn't until I retired and got into prepping that I began to notice these things. Until then I was a good little member of the "Sheeple Squad" with blinders on.

    Better to wake up late than not wake up at all, right?

    Now it's eyes wide opened and glasses on...thanks for coming by!

  20. I,too,am only getting 4 (not quite even 4) cups from my 7-8 cup mark. Changed to Maxwell House because it is cheaper than Folgers and somebody told me it is "good to the last drop"

  21. Hey Sis...is that you? Hey, I drink Maxwell House from time to time...but coffee has to be pretty bad before I won't drink any of it. As I recall, you make a pretty good cup of coffee!

    Thanks for coming by!

  22. One needs a cuppa just to do the math...

  23. Right you r, Cygnus. The 2 of u r such good writers that it takes me half the night to read the comments...2 nosey not 2!

  24. I read somewhere or other, that most major food companies are reducing the amount of product in their packages so they won't have to raise the price of the package. They think the consumer is less likely to notice or be angry about diminished portions than about a higher price.

  25. Hey Hermit...gotta say they did just that for me. I didn't notice for a long time.

    Thanks for coming by!

  26. Dont know if you all have noticed yet, but the toilet paper rolls are shorter than they used to be.

    The manufacturers are literally getting us coming and going!


  27. Hey Tramp...I didn't know that! It doesn't surprise me any, though...

    That really wipes my, er...I mean, chaps my, er...oh never mind!

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

  28. I'm sorry, but I'm laughing. If it makes you feel better though there are tears, well I guess not since that means I laughed hard. I SO GET THIS! They did this to my yogurt and more recently my ice cream. Did any of you notice when Yoplait shoved the bottoms of their yogurt cups up into the cup? Cup stayed the same size outwardly, but if you looked at the bottom half your yogurt was gone. And yes it was still the same price. Now ice cream doesn't even come in a half gallon anymore. It's sad, very sad!!
