Monday, February 9, 2009

Time To Make A Road Trip...!

Here's the thing...

I've been watching all that's going on in the world and in the US for a while now. I don't see things really getting any better, or at least if they get better it will be for a short term only. Now, that's just my take it for what it's worth.

However, one thing is for certain! I do NOT want to stay in Houston or any other big city any longer than I have to, so....I am taking a road trip real soon to see where I am going to relocate to.

I am more fortunate than some, in that I actually have a choice of three pieces of property at my disposal right now. Two in the Ozarks and one in the Chihuahuan desert in West Texas, around the Big Bend area. Sizes range from 2.5 acres, 5 acres, and 6.6 acres...with the 5 acres being in West Texas. Each parcel is raw land, with no improvements. That is OK with me...

What I intend to do is to take a road trip and look over all the spots, weigh the pros and cons of each, then decide where to move to. I am getting the truck ready as I told you a couple of post back, to go on an extended trip. Gotta have it checked out from head to toe, front to back. I'm pretty sure it's up to the trip, but no point in taking any chances of something breaking down because I was too stupid to have it checked, ya know?

My truck, a 1991 Chevy S10, extended cab, has a camper shell on it, so I will have plenty of cover once I get to the land in case of bad weather or pesky critters. I'll just treat it as an extended camping trip, and being as how I'm retired and single...I don't have to follow anyone Else's time schedule. Nice!

Recent events here in town, which I won't go into right now, have made me decide that now is the time to go. After I decide where I am headed, it's back to Houston to load up and then AMF...if you get my drift.

The nephew and I were discussing the possibility of prefabbing a cabin here in Houston, then taking it down and rebuilding it at the chosen spot. I'm starting small, but after all, how much room does one man need? By doing that, we can do away with waiting on getting a reasonable travel trailer or something to stay in while building.

I figure by prefabbing the whole thing, I can rebuild the shell in 2 or 3 days myself, then live in it while I take my time with the inside...and once again, I can stay in the camper shell set-up while I rebuild the cabin.

I think this is a good way for me to put off going any longer than I have to. I'll be taking with me a good supply of food and other preps to cover me for at least 6 months to a year, so I'm good on that part. I'm sure that somethings will come up, they always do. But at least now I have a workable plan! At least I can get off my ass and take action...I don't feel safe enough to put it off any longer!

I hope I'm wrong, but my Daddy always used to say "Better safe than sorry!" I think that is good advice...and I'm taking it.

Now, how about a fresh cup of hot coffee, my friend?


  1. Outside of Poplar Bluff someone built one of those wooden sheds but made it taller for a loft area and put a nice French door on the end to let in light. What can be seen driving by looks snug but comfy. They've been living in it for about 2.5 years while fixing up the land. with a good storage shed they have the bases pretty well covered.

    Remember that a good chunk of Arkansas & Missouri got hit with that ice storm. There are a lot of electric crews from out of state around so hotel rooms & camp sites can be a bit scare depending where you are at. But, you can really see the land & get a feel for how the people handle a rough situation. If you are going through the Spring River Area let me know. Still a bit chilly here at times dipping down to 20s and up to nearly 60 so bring warm layers. (And the coffee pot too)

  2. Not to pry but living in the Houston metro zone, is the horrible thing personal or area wide? I am just curious to know.

    Good luck on the trip. I cannot imagine leaving Texas. The W. Texas property is going to be dry and next to the boarder zone. I have feeling, my own, that the Ark. areas will be the one's chosen. Lusher environment and is not near that boarder chaos. One of the reason we (as in the group) did not bother with some cheap land out by El Paso way.

  3. Hery Stephanie...thanks for stopping by! The first place to go is going to be here in Texas...that's more good weather than I'll run into in Missouri, I think.

    Can't be too cold in the desert, right? (except when they have Ice Storms, snow, freezing rain...etc.)

    If I'm close, I'll give ya a holler!

  4. Hey Jennersen...thanks so much for stopping by. The overall condition of Houston is bad, and getting worse. Too many people, too few jobs, and too many folks that like to start trouble, if you know what I mean.

    The city managed to get a virus in their computer system that all but shut down the courts. Police started issuingt citations instead of taking folks to jail if they found, during a traffic stop, the driver had a warrant for outstanding violations.

    The Mayor issued an order last Friday to close all municipal courts down early that would normally be opened on the weekend. Sounds like California, huh?

    The biggest problem I have with Houston is I am a country boy at heart, and there is just too much concrete here for me.

    Leaving Texas would be hard, but may be necessary. I do not want to get in the drug wars raging along the Texas border right Missouri may be the choice. Just have to see. That's the main reason for the road trip...

  5. Hey Hermit, I know where you're coming from, I love TX too, but Im glad I dont live in Houston anymore, definitely not the best place for a country boy. Big Bend is nice, but its a little too close to the Mexico border for me... thats why we decided on the Ozarks. Good luck finding a place!

  6. Hey Jim - Hope you keep in touch regarless of where you head out to. DH is from TX Houston area originally too. He'll be heading back for a visit in a few months.

  7. I just wrote a big ole paragraph, but decided against publishing it. There are somethings I just don't talk about on blogs and comments for various reasons. But something I can say here is that we have 2 plans. The farmstead move will either be a survival plan or a prosperous plan. You might want to think about both when you are looking at the properties. I don't know you're income, but it is something to think about. Always have 2 plans.

    As of April 1st where I live, there will be unsupervised parole. This bothers me. Not that I am worried about all the parolee's, but I have spent most of my life around criminals to know that unchecked, many of them will be bad news on for the general pop.

  8. Good luck Jim;
    Try to stay in touch. You might want to add a cb radio to your list.
    I'm ging to do the same with my 5 acres-a little cabin for one-and my camper in case I have to leve.

  9. Question, why are 2 of my posts from two years ago showing as linking to this post? Blogger is screwy.

  10. I know a person that works in the county prison system here. I was told by the person that as of march they will no longer house prisoners that commit misdemenors and non violent felons due to budget cuts. Apparently it costs per inmate 500 dollars a day!. What does that mean to me? I have a feeling that petty crime,car theft and burglary will rise dramatically. So I will start thinking really hard about hardening my security here.
    As for getting out of the city, Im right with you Jim.. I lived very briefly in the D/FW area and I couldnt get out of there quick enough.. Way to many people for this country boys taste.. Good luck on your trip and be careful out there.

  11. Hermit,
    Try the Central Texas area. We left Alvin almost 3 years ago and haven't regretted it yet. You can get any size parcel for just about any price you want. Pick a dead end dirt road (County Road) and nobody comes bothering you. Lots of "Old Rednecks" out here that don't go for all that PC crap. GOD, GUNS and GUTS!!!

  12. Hey Shinerbock...I hear ya on that! I really do...

    Hey can count on me to stay in touch and post pics of each place as I can.

    Hey Phelan...that spomds a little spooky to me! does that mean non-supervised parole for everyone , or just some charges? Seems a little lenient...

    Hey Tony...I'll still have the old truck and the camper at the ready...part of staying prepared.

    Hey FM...sounds like the time to sharpen up the home defense tools, huh? Phelan weas saying that they are loosening things in Arkaksas as well...

    Hey Furt...I used to live in Central Texas, but near my old hometown, Georgetown, land prices are through the roof! It is pretty country, though...

    Hey, thanks to everyone that came by today and for all the comments. I really appreciate it.

  13. Kansas, not Arkansas. I can see how you could confuse the two ;) All I have heard is unsupervised parole. Nothing specific. But they have already shut down our mental institutions and placed them out on the streets while cutting case managements budget.

  14. Hey Phelan...I am soooo sorry that I said you were in Arkansas instead of Kansas...had my head elsewhere, I reckon!

    I am sad to hear that the Mentally challenged folks are being turned out...this was tried before in certain areas, and didn't work as many died from being homeless and many more turned to a lifestyle of crime.

    Sorry again about saying you were in of my ex-wives was from Kansas, maybe that's why I got them confused...

  15. BTW, Hi Phelan :)

    Hermit Jim, saw you at Treesong's. I'm amazed someone would say NO to a place to live. I mean, it would be one thing if they had no way to support themselves and live, but surely there'd be something they could do.

    Kinda glad we've encouraged YoungSon to go the "practical skills" route versus college.

  16. Hey Meadowlark...sure do thank you for stopping by today! I tghink the decision to go and learn a "practical trade" is an excellent idea. Many types of hands on skills may be needed in the future, as they were in the past.

    Hey, I sure appreciate you dropping by today!

  17. Yep, time to get out of the cities. I am taking a trip to the Ozarks myself to look at some land, time to get busy and get out. Have a good trip...

  18. Hey Jim,

    Sorry to see you upset. :(

    One of the reasons we moved out of New York was because of the trouble in big cities.

    Have a good night,

  19. Hey HillJack33...thanks for coming by. Who knows, maybe we'll meet up on the road somwhere in the Ozarks?

    Hey Lydia, my smiling friend! I appreciate your kind words and can see why you moved out of New York. Houston is bad enough, that's for sure!

    Hey...thanks for coming by, girl! See ya soon!

  20. We may indeed. In case you didn't know, I am that "Down in the Hills" guy. We've spoken about the Ozarks before.

  21. Thought I recognised you! Are you going to look at one of the links you sent me? Or have you found something else...?

  22. One of my readers, before I shutdown the blog down hooked me up. But it's in the same area as that link. A prepper to another prepper deal. We got to stick together ya know. ;-)

    Have a safe trip.

  23. We do indeed, my friend! That's great about finding some take care and have a safe trip!

  24. Hermit Jim,
    Good luck on your much needed road trip. I hope you find what you are looking for. I am glad you decided to take the trip, I would say its the best thing you could do right now.
    Oh and wish Shiner and I luck too.
    We are headed out this morning.
    I could use a fresh cup of coffee.

  25. Sounds fun. When do we leave?


  26. Hey Heather...keep me posted on how it goes! I may want to come visit...Safe journey!

    Hey Ashley...I'm planning to head out just as soon as the weather straightens out. Since you and Cygnus are non-smokers, you can take your car...we'll have a convoy!

  27. Hey Jim,

    I'm a couple days late catching up on your blog but here all the same.
    Two of my favorite words on earth are 'road trip'!

    I'm like you, no one to answer to when I get ready to go and it sure is nice. I hope you do keep us all updated on what you decide to do.

    I bought an ebook a while back that tells how to build a solar cabin on your own. I think the guy that wrote it is out west somewhere.

    I paid the $5.00 to download it rather than whatever the price is to get the bound book.

    It is simple and straight-forward. I am no carpenter and I think I could build this without anyone having to explain it to me. LOL

    Anyway, here is the link to his site.


  28. Hey J...I appreciate the link to the e-book, but I actually bought and downloaded this book last year! Pretty good stuff.

    I reckon that even someone like me could make a decent little cabin with this!

    Hope you get aq chance to catch up, and glad you are back with us!

  29. Hi Jim,

    how exciting to hear that you are putting your plan literally into motion...;o) really nice.
    I am happy for you. I wish you lot's of success with everything. Be safe alright? Will be keeping an eye out on how things are progressing.

    Take care of yourself,
