Saturday, March 7, 2009

Popcorn For Breakfast...!

Ever have trouble getting the kids to eat breakfast?

What about yourself? Are there times when you just don't want the usual stuff, like eggs and bacon, oatmeal, toast and jelly, donuts, get the picture!

By nature, we are creatures of habit. We have a tendency to have pretty much the same old thing for breakfast all the time...or at least some variations of the same old menu. If that's the case now, just think of how things are going to be if we can't run to the store and get something new and exciting for our morning meal!

So when you are trying to find something for breakfast that the kids will eat without turning up their noses, or won't make those "EEEEUUUUWWW" sounds...when you need them to eat something, why not feed them some popcorn? Sound silly? Why...?

I'm not going to feed my kid or my family Popcorn for breakfast! Why not? You give them cereal, don't you? Corn flakes, maybe? Guess what cereal is made from...CORN!

You see, to my way of thinking the most important thing is to give them something to eat that they WILL eat. Something to break the monotony of eating the same old thing. Go for different and strange...after all, food is food! The art is all in the presentation...and most Mom's are wizards at presentations!

For instance, feed them oats hidden in an Oatmeal cookie, raisins hidden in Raisin bread, eggs and milk and butter hidden in a piece of cake! See what I mean? They still get the same nutrition, maybe even more...because they will actually eat these things. I would even eat these things!

They don't want milk? Try hot chocolate...or chocolate milk (great way to use powdered milk, by the way). I guarantee if you follow the thinking along these lines, you can come up with something for breakfast that everyone will eat!

Today's breakfast will be a simple one...just for practise! Popcorn and chocolate milk...and to make sure that everyone has a good time at breakfast, I've even put a cartoon on the menu! I mean, it is Saturday, right? So...before you send the old man, or kids, or whoever out to play or do the chores...let's all have some breakfast, and watch a cartoon!

Oh, and by the way...after everyone is settled in and having and I can have a fresh cup of coffee! OK, my friend?


  1. My idea of breakfast is Dr. Pepper and cigarettes. College students are bad about these things, but truth is I do not like eating when I wake up. My stomach is not in the mood. I like eating later in the day.

  2. I'm with you on that! Although since I'm an old man, I opp for coffee and smokes! The breakfast of tell the truth, I eat better when I'm camping than I do at home sometimes!

    Guess that's as good thing if I have to "camp out" for a long, long time, huh?

    Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  3. Breakfast today: Coffee, can of salmon, and cig for desert. Breakfast in the woods.Camping special.
    Enjoyed the tune Jim

  4. To each their own my friend, whatever works, no?
    I had a couple beers, some chocolate chip cookies and a couple of smokes.

    It's Saturday.

  5. That was great! I love Tom and Jerry. What's the moral of that story...that which does not kill us makes us stronger? Or we can never predict what consequences arise from mixing dangerous chemicals...(GMO's?)
    At any rate, I'm glad I'm not the only one who lives on a coffee and cigarette breakfast.
    Good post! I need to add a few cans of cocoa to my preps.....
    Thanks for the coffee Hermit!

  6. Hey Busted...that's the main thing. Whatever works...

    Cookies, beer and smokes...why not? Like you said, It's Saturday!

    Thanks for the visit, my man.

    Hey Maitreya...I've always heard that a little laughter is good for the digestion, so ...

    If it ever gets to the point I can't get some chocolate ice cream, I will at least want to have some hot chocolate, ya know?

    Comfort food! Hey, thanks for coming by!

  7. I've had popcorn for breakfast many a time. And as long as we have fixings for hot chocolate out, I think I'll make my coffee a mocha. ;-)


  8. Hi Jim,
    Dang, I wish I would have visited you sooner today. I love popcorn! Haven't thought about it for breakfast though. :0

    Have a great night!

  9. Hey Nancy...popcorn and mocha it is! Something to taker the edge off until lunch time...

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Lydia...always a pleasure to see ya! Popcorn just seemed like a good idea to me...

    Always something new and a bit different, huh?

    Thank you for the visit, my friend!

  10. Popcorn, cake, cookies? You been watching me make breakfast for the screamers HJ?

    That's par for the course round here! Stop on over anytime you're in my neck of the woods...I think there's some pineapple upside down cake left.

  11. For some pineapple upside down cake I might make a special trip! That used to be my favorite cake...

    Sure there would be room at the table?

    Hey, thanks for drpping by!

  12. Always room HJ...if not at the table than in the recliner or desk chair or by golly, even the floor! Never turn away entertainment or friends, especially when they combine!!

  13. I'd be just as comfortable on the floor as anywhere! Spent a lot of nights at the cousins houses sleeping on pallets, so sitting on the floor wouldn't bother me a bit!

    Thanks for the invite!

  14. I've had popcorn for breakfast many times, though not recently. Thanks for making me feel better about it (I like it much better than corn flakes, though those aren't bad either :) Seems like it's a much safer option than milk, when you watch the Tom and Jerry video!

  15. Hey Marie...glad if I could make you feel better about popcorn for breakfast!

    Always loved the sounds that Tom makes in the old cartoons...

    I sure am glad you came by for a visit!

  16. My wife came up with dusting the popcorn with chocolate powder after buttering, thus chocolate popcorn! Works great for movie night! Coffee and cigs is my breakfast too.

  17. Hey that's an idea that I hadn't thought of! As much as I like chocolate, I think I'll have to try that!

    Tell Mamma thanks for the idea!

  18. Hi,
    I just read all your blog from the beginning to almost all of last year. Then looked at the clock and OH MY it is 9:50 and I am out of coffee and am still in my special coffee jamas(coffe mugs, coffee pots and coffee canisters)
    Iloved reading all the good thoughts and feelings you write about.
    I will finish reading later need to go help out my 92yr pop for awhile. He is the greatest.
    Thanks again for the great read and of course the coffee. Will be back every morning for more.

  19. Hey JoJo...come on back anytime, jamas and all! Just gotta love the description of the PJs , btw!

    I hope that you can find something that you consider worth the read in all the past post. I think that some are better than others, and I have gone in so many directions that it can be confusing some times.

    I appreciate you dropping by today, and look forward to you coming by again soon!

  20. Thanks for the Tom n Jerry!! For me its Coke and a Smoke! I'm thinking the chocolate popcorn is sounding really good about now. And JoJo , I agree, there's some good reading to be had here.

  21. Hey SFChick...coke and a smoke sounds plenty ok to me...but I'll still take coffee if I can get it.

    The chocolate popcorn sounds good, doesn't it? Gonna have to try that!

    Hey, thanks for the visit!
