Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Privvy Police Files...

No doubt about it, folks! The Privvy Police are here...

This is a news story straight out of the pages of the Houston Chronicle...believe me, I couldn't make this stuff up!

An Amish farmer was sent to jail for 90 days Tuesday after refusing to make a pair of outhouses comply with Pennsylvania's sewage laws.

Andy Swartzentruber, of Ebensburg, cited his religious beliefs in refusing a court order on the noncompliant privvies, which are used by schoolchildren.

Judge Norman Krumensacker also fined the Cambria County farmer $1,000 for contempt.
-from wire reports

It seems to me that the madness that started in Washington is starting to spread all over the country! Here is a farmer furnishing a place for schoolchildren to go and relieve themselves in private, bothering no one in the Big Bad City...and the county Privvy Police are bound and determined to go after him, just to prove how almighty powerful they are!

I'm beginning to think that everyone in politics and in some lowly little city, county, or state office has totally lost what little was left of their minds, not to mention their dignity! This is the kind of thing that leads to bigger and more ridiculous flexing of the political muscle...and that will lead to a county by county revolt.

The abuses starting at the grass roots level are more easily understood and hated by the common man, than all the insane happenings on the Hill. THAT'S what the politicos will never understand!

I don't know about you...but I need another cup of coffee after this "crap" !


  1. Uncle Jim, all the problems in this country and they spend their time and tax payer money messing with a poor farmer, sounds about right don't it. Seems they really like messing in other peoples......poop. Thanks for giving us he "poop" on pooper problem. hehe!!

  2. Seems to me like they'd have more important things to worry about down there besides who does what with their outhouses.

  3. This judge needs to be held accountable by the county's residents! Wake him up at 2 Am and give him 50 lashes with a "black snake". Bastard thinks like all the rest that he's above everyone else cause he's a judge. Needs a little "grounding" in reality. An Amish man of all people to pick on!
    GET A ROPE, G*&^%$# IT!!!!!

  4. I guess there is no such thing as private land anymore. Why were they there in the first place?

  5. YeOldFurt, I love the way you think. Let's get 'em.

  6. Oh, pooh! What the crap? I guess it's easy to dump on the little guy as long as the poop's running downhill. But the judge needs to poop or get off the pot, and realize that you can't treat people like crap, or it'll hit the fan. Leave the farmer to his little hole-in-the-ground. At least he gives a crap about the children.

    Did I miss anything?


  7. Lot of Amish in my area good people to say the least. Can't imagine the goverment bothering these people. A true shame of what it;s all coming too!

  8. Put the judge in the hole,and let the kids shit on him. Three cheers for the farmer. I agree with YeOldFurt, and I'll buy the rope!

  9. For the love of Pete! They can badger this Amish man, for a noncompliant privvy, yet it's all wonderful that pesticided, herbicides and GMO are used. Like alittle poo is going to hurt any of more than the chemicals put on and in our water, food and air everyday. I'd rather deal with alittle poo, thanks anyway.

  10. Morning Hermit: nothing like a cup of coffee in the morning served with a little poo on the side.

    What are these folks smoking/injecting/drinking/eating that gets them so riled up about an outhouse?

    Thanks for the a.m. cheer up. I just finished reading Mayberry's blog about his sick feeling. Saw your comment too. So you are feeling the same thing as well?

    I made my comment on the subject at Mayberry's place too.

    I just wish that whatever is going to happen would just get on with it and let us preppers do our thing. Things are changing so quickly, I am not even sure I will go back to my own blog (even when things in my life get back to normal). I start to write about some topic, and before I can even put thoughts to paper (ha, ha), the situation has done a complete 180.

    I do love the term "privvy police" because it is so apt.


  11. Hey Bullseye...
    I'd certainly be watching my back if I were this judge...

    When the officials that started all this mess realise that people across the country are very pissed about this, maybe they will think twice about doing anything else along these lines. But then, politicians are slow learners...

    Thanks or the visit.

    Hey OWMom...
    If they continue to put their nose in our business, maybe we should put our business up their nose...

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey OldFurt...
    A little man with a little office that thinks he has a little power! This county coward should indeed be introduced to the business end of People Power!

    I got the rope! Thanks for coming by, my friend!

    Hey Ashley...
    I think you about covered it!

    Glad you could come by!

    Hey Scout...
    Right about that, my brother! Instead of going after people that need to be punished, they are harrassing the little guy...again!

    Sad state of affairts, indeed!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, Scout!

    Hey Tony...
    If we put the judge in the hole...then the outhouses would REALLY smell!

    Thanks for dropping in, Tony!

    Hey Kelle...
    wouldn't be surprised if the fine paid for the judges next fishing trip!

    Thanks for coming bu, my friend!

    Hey Warrior...I sure would hate to see you NOT blog anymore! We need all the like minded folks online that we can get, ya know?

    Besides, I'd miss ya! I really appreciate you dropping by today!

  12. Hermit: Not sure how I missed this yesterday but maybe it explains a lot of why we are all edgy.

    The house just approved HR 1338 entitled "Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (aka the GIVE Act). It is essentially an amendment to the National and Community Service Act of 1990.

    The house approved it by a margin of 321 to 105. Among other crap, it calls for an Education Corps, Healthy Futures Corps, Clean Energy Corps and a Veterans Corps.

    This proposed act addresses mandatory education programs for primary and secondary schools. It addresses the Baby Boom generation.

    The act refers to "corporations" and "chief executive officers" but still addresses county, state and federal agencies. Almost as if these people were an entity unto themselves, separate from established laws and requirements. I can't find any explanation of terms in this infernal document (294 pages).

    There is even verbiage that refers to a "state plan for Baby Boomer and older adult and volunteerism and paid service. Further, the plan to best tap the population of baby boom generation and older adults as sources of SOCIAL CAPITAL and WAYS TO ADDRESS COMMUNITY NEEDS."

    But wait, I am not through yet. It gets better. This act further extols the need to "transition the baby boom generation and older adults to ADJUST TO PURPOSEFUL WORK IN THEIR POST CAREER LIVES."

    What arrogance!! You should read what's in store for the veteran when he or she leaves service. They need to be given a skill for society.

    It passed overwhelmingly in the house and will do so again in the next process.

    This may well be the straw that breaks the back. If only people would/could read this bill.


  13. Hey Warrior...damn, that's some scary stuff!

    These assh***s just don't see the error of their ways!

  14. First it was Ron Paul supporters and now those pesky separatists. Who do those Amish think they are? Separating themselves from the rest of the sheep. I can see then guberment officials sitting around a big oak table "discussing" how there going to put the Amish back in their place. I can imagine their frustration at not having any means to effect "change". They don't drive-so no harassing traffic stops. They don't do drugs or commit crimes- so no way to interdict the separatists legally.And then a light bulb goes off in the room-"Wait a minute their shithouse's aren't in compliance. Send in the Swat Team!" My friends, we are screwed. The country's going to hell in a hand basket and we putting Amish Farmer's in Jail for the Shithouse Blues.Amazing!

  15. Hey Nomad...don't know why these people don't leave the poor folks alone! They just keep pushing and pushing...and sooner or later some folks are gonna push back!

    Wonder what part of "leave me alone..." they don't understand?

    Hey, thanks for coming by, Nomad!

  16. I don't know about folks pushing back... Seems like people in this country are so afraid to stand up for themselves, everyone that does is punished or outcast and made to look like a crazy. Things like this are the reason I moved out to the country and try to stay home as much as possible. Government even in the smallest form has to impose so many ridiculous regulations that I don't even understand how things function sometimes. Take me back about 150 years and I'd be happy.

  17. Hey's a shame that people are getting afraid to stand up for themselvers any more.

    Sign of the times, I'm afraid!

    Good to see you again, my friend!

  18. I remember being in Amish country in Ohio and asking a local man where the public facilities were. I am a slow learner (news to u,huh?) but didn't realize it would be an outhouse. Snowing heavily and what followed is a funny story but I won't go into it now.
    Crime must be very slow in the judges' area for him to bother a poor Amish man about something such as this!
