Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Side Effects Can Kill You...!

Well, I watched some television yesterday...big mistake!

I was watching some stations that had commercials, and even though I hate commercials I started listening to some of them. There were all kinds of products...everything from garden tools to clothing to travel aids.

The ones that really caught my attention was all the commercials for "Over the Counter" medications. There was shampoos, aspirin, cough syrups, sinus medicines, head ache cures, soaps, just about everything you could imagine! That alone wasn't so strange, but then they started with the reading of all the possible side effects. There might be about one page of benefits...and then four or five pages of possible side effects, ranging from increased blood pressure, heart attack, and most of all...Death!

Now, I am wondering if anyone ever reads these possible side effects, and if they do, why would they take something on purpose that could cause more problems than it cures? I guess that what they say is true in this case..."what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" Why would someone take a pill for a headache that might cause a heart attack? Why would someone risk a stroke to cure a skin problem? Why would anyone, ANYONE, in their right mind even consider taking something that already has proven to cause severe health problems, just to cure a backache? Sorry, but I don't believe I will! I don't like the idea that cure is worse than the bite, ya know?

In a way, politics today is a lot like this! Promises of miracle cures are made, but then we look at all the possible side effects. Not too good, not too good at all! My persona opinion is, for what it's worth, is that maybe it's time to get back to the old timey home remedies. Cures that come from tried and true practises of people long before us. Cures that do NOT promise quick solutions with all the possible side effects.

Maybe it would be better if we just started using some good old fashioned common sense. Maybe if we stop looking for cures that cause trouble, we should instead be looking for cures that could help without hurting!

I think that we could help ourselves more by looking inside, instead of looking for some " Over the Counter" or "From the Government" aids that might mean more trouble down the road. However, that's just my opinion...like I said!

Now that I have that off my chest...let me get you a fresh cup of coffee, my friend!


  1. Oh so true HJ...the spouse and I have a real good laugh at some of those male miracle med commercials, what with blindness being a side effect and all...you see where that is going I hope. Momma always said 'it will make you go blind'...LMBO!

    Pass the pot HJ...It's one am and I am up for the day already!!

  2. Hey Momma...you getting up that early nowe days? Or maybe you just haven't been in bed yet...

    Either way, it's always good to see ya...especially first thing in the A.M.

  3. You know the old adage HJ...'early to bed, early to rise'...the first part applies today. Early bedtime made for early morning. At least I get to watch the sunrise over the lake with a hot cup of joe and no little people today!

    May become a habit, if I can convince myself that bedtime is before 3 am, lol.

    Good to visit first thing in the morning!

  4. Good morning Jim;
    Add stay away from doctor's & hospitals and your list would be complete. My dad lived to be 94 and god bless him never was sick a day in his life.(lost him to a drunk driver)My wife on the other hand belived all the doc's bullshit and passed at 60.
    The sheep are easy to fool.
    Great post-keep up the good work.

  5. I second that HJ. I'm looking for homeopathic solutions for my heart problems.

  6. Hi Jim!
    I take medication for vertigo and the 1st side effect is..vertigo. It's not true in this case, or at least for me but guess they have to cover themselves like...? Oh yeah, the politicians. :)

    Did it my way is absolutely right! My dad went through major lung surgery and was told he had 3-6 months to live. He is still happy and quite healthy 9 years later at age 77! He never believed the doctors. All along he was adamant that the doctors had it wrong and all they wanted to do was make money on him!

    There is a lot to say about this, however, if you have an illness and you believe that medicine and doctors will save/cure you, then you had better continue that belief. Else you may suffer the outcome.

    In his case, he never did believe it. And we're all glad for that. :)

    PS We now have dvr through digital cable and we pass right through those pesky commercials. Works great!

    Have a great day and a Happy St. Patty's Day!


  7. Good Morning HJ,
    Sure is a beautiful day to,
    Those drugs are scary, even the ones that need a scrip. Gee who wouldn't want to take handfulls of that stuff. :-)
    Anyway thanks for the morning wake up and cup of joe.

  8. Hey Tony...sad thing to lose a loved one to a drunk! The only doctors I listen to or visit no days are at the V.A.

    So far, they have been straight up with me. Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Eddie...know what you mean. Never hurts to explore alternatives, I'm thinking. I don't like doctors and don't trust them for the most part.

    Let me know if you find a good heart medecine.

    Thanks for stopping by, my man

    Hey Lydia...my smiling friend! Ypu know, so many times a persons mental attitude has so much to do with how healthy they are. I firmly believe this! Sounds like your Dad had the right idea...

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...so good to see you first thing this morning...

    Hope it's going to be a nice one here as well. I am so ready for Spring!

    I sure am glad you took the time to drop by today!

  9. I've noticed and wondered the same thing myself Jim.
    Sad huh?

  10. We know,just frome our own family,just how long some people live without the help of our "advanced modern medicine". I don't hold my breath for politicians to become miracle cures for what ails the country.

  11. Hey Blondie...yes it is sad. Thank goodness people like me are just to ornery to die!

    I really appreciate you dropping by today, my Colorado Cupcake!

    Hey Sis...they do seem to hang on in some cases, don't they?

    I wouldn't hold my breath either, but I have already decided that the gubmint and I should part company for the most part.

    Hey, thanks for coming by, sis. I sure am glad you did!

  12. Hey Jim,

    Do a search on Serrapeptase Enzymes.


  13. Thanks Lydia...I'm looking for something that I can take in place of coumadin. Don't know if this would do the trick or nt.

    I do appreciate the link, though. You ar just too good to me!

  14. Yeah, I avoid drugs if at all possible. Those "side effects" of your eyes falling out and rectal bleeding kinda put me off! Sheesh, why does anyone take this stuff??!!!

  15. Damn Lydia, I gotta say, you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! God has blessed you for sure!

  16. Hey Mayberry...for sure we gotta watch those side effects! Beats me how someone can on purpose take some of this stuff!

    That Lydia is a doll, isn't she? Guess all us Texans appreciate a good looking woman!

    Hey, thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  17. Mayberry, what a nice compliment, thank you so much!

    Aww thanks Jim. That's it I'm moving to Texas! All the gentlemen live there it seems..

    Jim, regarding Serrapeptase replacing the use of Coumadin...As bad as the stuff is (some compare it to rat poison..) I really don't think it's something you want to stop until you have reduced a good deal of any clotting. That said, I think it might be wise to take Serrapeptase with the Coumadin and have your doctors reduce the amount you take as they see improvement. (And they will, because that is one of the things this enzyme does, and does well from what I have read)

    This has been used in Europe and Asia for many years but fairly new in the states. Maybe 5-10 years or so. I have done some extensive research on this, so if you have any questions please feel free to email me. Take a look at this one website/blog for an idea of what it can do. http://serrapeptaseadventure.ws/

    Thanks for the nice compliment once again.


  18. Hey Lydia...I appreciate all the good information. I can always count on you to watch out for me...always nice to have someone to watch out for ya.

    Your visits are appreciated...not only by me, as you can tell!

  19. It is all crazy isn't it? I will with more natural stuff - thx - no more smelly-good stuff that gives headaches.

  20. Hey EJ...I appreciate you dropping by tonight!

    Looks to me that we should all get a little more educated in the natural way. After all, the good lord put them for us to use and gave us a brain to learn that use...so I reckon it's time to start!

  21. Good Morning from Scotland. :-) I found you through Andy (blackbus). Nice blog!

    I'm sitting her while hubby makes the coffee. No porch, but an upstairs computer in the loft and a view over a forest, mountains and the sea (as long as I stand on a box, the builder never thought about short people)... perfect coffee view!

    I can remember doctors, when I was a kid, suggesting home remedies like poultices and tonics. THings you made in your own kitchen without and health warnings. Last time my husband had earache we were living rural with no transport. I made him warmed oil with garlic and had his earache soothed in one day. I'm one of the people who not only does get all the side-effects warned about on the box, but invents a few new ones! ;-)

    At the moment I'm stuck with having to use prescription meds permanently, but it's through a dr who sat with me, discussed all possible choices and together we figured out what was my best option. I'm ok with that. Not thrilled... but ok. LOL

  22. Hey Michelle...I am so glad you could come by.

    Sometimes the old home remedies are just fine. I would use all natural if I could, but I just need
    to study some more to make a good choice.

    You come back real soon, my friend!
