Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just Outside Of Houston...

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "Prairie"?

This is a few of the wildflowers growing in a prairie just out of Houston. If you were expecting a blank, desolate area with maybe a few grasses and scrub brush then you are in for a surprise.

For those that are still dealing snow on the ground, then please enjoy a little of a typical Spring in Texas.

Now...let's get a fresh cup of coffee, sit at the patio table, and enjoy the flowers in the garden. C'mon, my friend!


  1. One of my favorite drives during Spring Break is the drive between La Grange and Brenham - hills covered in all sorts of greenie stuff. Didn't make it this year, but did enjoy Houston - weather was awesome!

    We're in the middle of extreme drought down here in south Texas, so flowers aren't quite as prevalent as they ususally are. Nice video - thanks for posting it.

  2. I'm alread there. Ok so I stole that from a song.:) Anyway great way to start the day. Good friends, pretty flowers and a great cup of coffee.

  3. Hey Anon 6:44...that drive is almost right on top of what we call "the bluebonnet trail" . Indian paintbrushes, buttercups, and bluebonnets all seem to thrive in that area.

    As much as I don't want to be in Houston, I have to admit that there is some beautiful weather in Texas. NOT including hurricanes, floods, and tornados!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Hy special friend! Good to see you at the patio table this morning...

    Looks like rain coming in today, so we may have to move in to the kitchen table. Been lots of coffee and card games at that table, ya know?

    It's not where you are, but who you're with that defines a good moment!

    You have a great day, my friend!

  4. I've always thought of a "prairie" as a wide open grassland full of gopher holes. But I live near the city of Grande "Prairie" and we are surrounded by forest, so I am really confused. All I know, is that according to that video, we seem to get SOME of the same growth here as they get near Houston, only a little bit later in the spring. I love it when everything starts to turn green and all other colors. Nice video Jim.

  5. Beautiful flowers. Most of our great country used to be prairie. Almost half the plants shown are edible or medicinal.
    The Peterson field guide to edible wild plants is a great book, highly recommended.
    Thanks for the video. We all need to appreciate simple beauty to nourish our souls.
    Fill 'er up!

  6. Hey FG...the picture in your mind is what a lot of folks see when thinking of prairie...

    That's the prairie of the movies, and we do have some of that, but mostly grass, trees, hills, creeks and rivers,a lot of diversity.

    Thanks for coming by, my man.

    Hey Maitreya...won't be long now until you are on the road! I appreciate you taking the time to drop by.

    Stopping to enjoy the beauty of nature is a medecine all on it's own.

    Good to see you, my friend!

  7. Hi Jim,

    Just beautiful!

    I used to always think of Little House on the Prairie when I heard the word. And yes, open land lots of hills and flowers and the little guy that buries himself under my shed.


  8. Hey Lydia...many folks think like that. The truth is the further south you go from Houston, the flatter and less green it gets. I would say that Little House On The Prairie is more central Texas.

    Maybe yu could talk the critter under your shed into moving to Texas. He would probably like it, who know?

    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. I'm gonna love missouri, but certainly will miss these three-season Flora...

  10. Hey Cygnus...I hear ya on that! I do, indeed!

    Looks like we will have to get used to a whole new set of wildflowers.

  11. Aw, Jim, what a nice video! You made Lady Bird proud, I'm sure. It almost (almost, I said) makes me miss Houston. My Mama and I had an annual ritual of driving around Texas looking at the beautiful wildflowers. She was too sick to go last year during the early spring growth and now she's gone. Maybe she's looking over my shoulder at that beautiful video? I hope so. Thanks for posting it.

  12. Hey Ginger...I'll miss it a bit, but to tell the truth I'll be really glad to get out of here.

    I' sure your mom is in a place of endless gardens where every day is Spring!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  13. Some of those flowers look familiar & very pretty.

    For those named after prairie but surrounded by trees - remember the government encouraged people to plant trees. Certain sections had to be planted in trees & it doesn't talk long for them to spread. Or maybe it was just wistful thinking...

    You can still have tornados in Missouri, feel right at home & everything ; )

  14. Hey long as the hurricane can't get me, I'll be fine!

    If it's country, I'll be at home! Thanks for coming by, my friend!
